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Posts posted by MisterLock

  1. But what about scouts...Do they appear more commonly?I always liked the idea of scouts appearing even in the late game so you can train up your rookies in those missions.

    So your mod is basicly the balance for this version.It's kinda a placeholder fot the true balancing that the devs are gonna do...It's Awesome!

    Also I know this is more of a gameplay question...What do you suggest I do with a second base?Make the first base entirely science based by second month and the new one manufacturer base?Also is 6 hangars a big enough number for ships?And from what I understand you're mod increases the starting money.

  2. Hmmm...Sathra I know this is alot of questions but...Does you mod balance the Geoscape invasion progress as well?Cause if it does that's just more awesome then it is!

    Also with your mod if you rush could you get The corsair in a month...let's say October ?Also why skip plasma weapons?

    I mean in my game(not with your mod) I am in february and I still didn't get any Mag weapons because I haven't seen 1 alien with a Battle Rifle...

  3. Sometimes I just wonder If people read the xenopedia research text that project give...I mean not to be rude or anything but...When you unlock the Foxtrot(just an example) somewhere in that text...there is the info about the fact that it's a poor dogfighter and cannot evasive roll...This is just a fact aside from the really unbalaced geoscape

  4. Hmm...Still those increased alien number just force me to not try the mod out...

    I think I will get off my ass and try it...but Sathra...1 question...Since you know...I kinda modded my game myself(changing build times and cost,adding AK into it)...How do I install the mod...Do I have just to overwrite stuff or ...

    Also to save my changed setting I need to save every file I modified right?

    P.S: Did you change the ammo capacity on laser,plasma guns?As far as I understand MAG weapons should have the lowest ammo count.

    P.S 2: Could you show more of your class builds in screenshots?

    P.S 3: Do you use any map packs?I don't recognize that terror mission picture you posted.

  5. I just noticed it yesterday...

    It was a night mission...My new dropship..the Shrike just got to the terror site.I told it to abandon mission(so I can set it to patrol over the site...thought that I was able to wait till day).After that...1 second later...Terror site destroyed...Looked at funding...no change...

    So yeah...was fun...But I don't know why I still reloaded and send my guys in the mission...

  6. Some advice...

    Migs are used for capital ships(medium,large,etc...)

    To use them best you have to equip them with the 4 best heavy torpedos...Once in air combat...Slow the interceptors speed all the way down...once it's shoots it's missiles command it to immediately buck it out of the air combat with the afterburner on...

    If the UFO doesn't crash...Wait atleast 1 hour(in case it doesn't have enough fuel) and send it back it...(you only have to have enough fuel so the airplane shoots it's missiles )

    Interceptors are used mainly for scouts and Fighter's...It's only good till the middle powersized Fighter comes in...When the aliens put those in use...You need to use atleast 2 condors to down one...Also having upgraded to Alenium missiles it's a good choice...

    Mainly Try to bum rush for armor and new interceptor...The X-37 Corsair...If you think the cost it's to big...Just enter manufactures with Excel(Notepad works fine too...just more easy...) and modify it to what you think is fair...

    Also...At the start of the game...enter the files...Xenonauts/assets and open gameconfig with notepad...Then there should be a section with the starting money...Increase that if you don't want to fail everytime at the start(you simply don't have enough money in the current version to get started)...increase it probably to somthing like 3.000.000 M $...Because this comes into play at what I'm gonna say now...

    At the start you are gonna need to upgrade your base so you don't fall behind air tech and you have enough hangar space(around 6 are good).Medbay is a good upgrade in the start.So coming back...You kinda want to have always 1-2 hangars available for either building new dropships or new interceptors...So you don't have to demomission you're other interceptors while they are building...Leaving you defenseless.

    Ask for more tips if you need...Since I made it long enough in the game I'm starting to become more effective at air combat and air tactics...:).Hope this helps.

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