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Posts posted by Bromley86

  1. Slightly different, but related, bug regarding classes. In v18.4 changing the Rifleman class led to problems when you tried to order in new recruits. That's been successfully fixed.

    However, they still come in as "Riflemen" when the class has been changed to "RI". Minor irritant, but the big problem is that the Rifleman class no longer exists if you've renamed it, so it's impossible to change the class of those new Rifleman recruits. Instead of a bright red "R", there's a blank space and clicking on that space doesn't open the class screen.

  2. Ah, looks like I misremembered the funding increase in 18.5 vanilla. I like round numbers though, and the multiplier in that case appears to be exactly 400: (52,800-8,000) / 112 = 400

    Not sure why yours would be 400 and mine 650. I'll have to keep an eye on it now I've edited all the scores down to give me a mission score of ~15 rather than ~115.

    EDIT: Your mission was in North Africa :) .

    Mine was in Soviet Union. SU modifier = 1.3, NAfr modifier = 0.8. 650 * 0.8/1.3 = 400

    That's the key I needed. Looking at gameconfig I can see that the initial funding for, say, the Soviet Union should be the initial country score (200) times by £1,000 times by 1.3. However, rather than being £260k, it's 130k. That means that either the 200 figure is incorrect or the £1,000. As the 200 figure is a variable whereas the £1,000 is merely text, I'd wager that initial funding is actually 200 * £500 * modifier (1.3 in this case).

    Given that, we know that your funding increased by 400*score and mine by 650*score. We further know that yours was in NAfr (0.8) and mine in the SU (1.3), meaning that the base modifier is 500. So the game is treating ground combat scores in the same way it does cumulative scores.

    Unfortunately, that means the £500 modifier might not be moddable, which'll mean ground combat scores have to be reduced to about 10-20. Easy enough to do (basically UFOsecured drops from 100 to 1-5), although it looks less sexy.

    EDIT2: Just confirmed that shooting down UFOs (or at least Light Scouts & Scouts; may or not be the same for all UFOs) is worth £10k, modified by country multiplier.

  3. Thanks Max, but I think those are multipliers applied to the score at the month end:

    "<!-- Each month, a funding region will pay the player $1,000 for each relations value point, multiplied by this modifier -->"

    I'm looking for the modifier that converts the score that you get for a ground combat mission (typically ~115 points) into the increase in funding from that (something like 70,000, IIRC). It'll be something like 650, as I've just played a game where the missionscore_gc was set to give me 500 for the UFO and change for killing aliens etc. I got a 507 score & my funding increase was £329,549.

    Obviously either that modifier needs to be reduced to 20-50 or the current scoring needs to be changed (just the UFO component as the other components are already low).

  4. EDIT: We're looking for the $ multiplier that's applied to score to determine monthly funding. In gamesconfig it says it should be $1,000, but it's probably actually $500.


    Anyone know if there's a multiplier that we can adjust to allow us to score ~100 in a UFO mission but not have funding jump by ~50k?

    (Obviously the workaround is to adjust mission scores to the 5-15 range, but that'll likely feel less fun, as well as requiring a little more work. :) )

  5. Sorties

    I loved the feeling of surprise when I first strolled up to a UFO door only to have the aliens rush out and shoot me. Likewise, I appreciated it (even if I didn't like the death of my entire team) when, having wondered around the alien base blasting a few sleepy Wraiths, I first approached the control room and was rushed by a load of psychotic, armoured, alien-RPG-wielding maniacs.

    I've got a feeling that there's a precise on-off trigger for this behaviour though. In the case of the alien base, it seems to be opening of the outer door (but that's based on just 2 missions, so I may be wrong). Variety of trigger and variety of response would be a good thing. Triggers might be 50% outer door, 25% inner door and 25% one/more of the doors elsewhere. Response might be 50% sortie and each turn after the trigger it'd perform the check again with a reduced probability (say 50%, 25%, 13%, 6%, 3%, 0%). Perhaps also a 1% chance each turn that they'll just rush out anyway, trigger or no.

    Similar triggers could apply to the UFO sorties.

    Line of sight

    I've often heard shooting and alien screams and wondered what was going on. In a base defence mission I got to see; the aliens in other hangers were firing at closed doors and walls in an effort to kill a guy one of their buddies had spotted. That's fine, assuming they have a chance of drilling through the walls, although they might be better off trying to join the fight. A bigger problem is that, whilst I don't think they shoot at their own, they don't mind shooting the avalanche torp and killing their own or themselves. Thinking about it, I'm sure I saw a UFO explode in v18.3 because of a similar thing.

  6. I had two invisible aliens in a recent UFO mission. Both Caesan officers (AFAIK, the only Caesan officers in that battle). The first was visible from his shadow and could be targeted (just to the left of the door in this save). The second turns up in the next turn and didn't have a shadow or a red crosshairs.



    EDIT: Sorry, didn't search for this one before posting.

  7. Thanks!

    EDIT: Increasing the civilians up to 10 seems to make the terror mission far more buggy. I normally don't have any problems with terror missions; can't remember any CTD and only once has it hung on Hidden Movement. After this change though, I get something like a 50% chance that it'll CTD before the mission info screen opens and also CTD or hangs after a few turns.

  8. The trouble would be to make sure you don't lose points from civvie deaths in UFO recovery.

    Yep. Given the random nature of civilian death in a UFO mission, increasing the points difference between the states civilian_alive and civilian_dead beyond 20-25 is a problem. A way around that might be to greatly increase the number of civilians in terror missions from ~5 to ~20. That'd increase the max available points in my example from 335 to 560 and make for a more eventful mission.

    EDIT: Just had a look at this in missiontypeprops_gc.xml. Little confused, as my last terror mission definitely had 2 LF an 5 civs, but the file says it should have been 6 LF & 14 civs (assuming soviettown refers to the terror mission map). Presumably something is dividing this by ~3?

  9. My standing question about the scoring system is... "What's it mean?" The points don't seem to correlate to anything back on the geoscape, at least nothing I can find.

    Looks like that's a bug; in theory, perform well in your missions and the counties pay you more, whereas at the moment they actually don't care what you do once you've downed the UFO.

    I'd argue very strongly against giving civvies a high negative score. What happens in the first few turns of a terror mission? ZAP ZAP ZAP "urgh" ZAP ZAP ZAP "urgh" ZAP ZAP ZAP "urgh".

    All light scout missions with vanilla scoring come in at 110 +/- 10. In the 8 light scout missions, using the updated scoring suggestion in the OP, I'd have scored:

    100/135/110/105/115/100/135 and that outlier 180 (due to 4 civilians rather than the usual 1-2).

    Excluding the outlier, that's a mean of 114. So there doesn't appear to be a massive change to score in the long term.

    The terror mission I ploughed through would have scored 153 vanilla (out of a maximum of ~180). I toyed with reducing the terror site element to 50 or 100, but in the end it just seemed wrong that recovering a crashed scout from some hick farm gives ~2/3 of the score that rescuing a city from tactical nuking does. Remember that the 215 was close to the minimum for a successful mission, as I'd lost most of my team and all but 1 of the civs. A good run through would give 255.

    The maximum, if the aliens forgot to shoot anyone, would have been 335 (although, as you say, that'll never happen as 2 of the civilians will always die, reducing it by 40 straight away).

  10. There might be training later in the game. If not, rename this to just Personnel?

    More importantly, would it be possible to include that useful character class tag that's now visible on the Soldier Equipment page? There's potential for letter overflow, but there's likely some spare space in the Armour and Status fields.

    EDIT: Knew there was something I'd forgotten. Ability to change armour on this screen would be useful if you've just rotated the injured people off the dropship and need to reissue their armour to their replacements.

  11. Might not be a bug (i.e. the AI might be attacking the last reported position of an alien).

    However, I threw a normal frag grenade and blew a Caesan into a goo pile. This was a surprise, but presumably happened because the local had already hit him?

    Anyway, the local proceeded to spend the rest of the game attacking the goo pile. Ironically, he takes a break from this in the turn that I saved, but once you kill the live alien to the west of him he'll go back to nailing the goo.



  12. Bug identified. It's to do with changing the name of the Rifleman class. I changed all the classes to 2-3 letter designations with no problems, but as soon as I change Rifleman to RI and try to recruit someone . . .

    Unfortunately, changing the name screws the savefile, as when I changed the RI back to Rifleman it still crashes. No problem if I start a new game and don't mess with the names though.

    WORKAROUND: This is likely obvious to everyone, but it only just occurred to me. Tested & it works. Rename all the classes except Rifleman. Create a new RI (or whatever you want to call it) class with the R symbol and use that. New guys will default to the Rifleman class (which is how the problem arose), but you just change them to your custom class manually.

  13. I've still got my original 10 soldiers and I've hired an extra 5 scientist.

    My new living quarters has just been built.

    I can hire new scientists and engineers. However, hiring an extra soldier cashes a CTD immediately after selecting the specific soldiers and clicking on Hire. Advancing a month doesn't help (not that it should :) ).



    EDIT: This game doesn't like me :) . If I take the file above and fast forward a month (ignoring UFOs/research/etc.) to play a terror mission, it CTD when the terror mission loads.

  14. UFO recovering don't grant point anymore.

    It does in mine (v18.4). Perhaps you reloaded during combat, as there was the reload score bug in v18.3?

    Can aliens actually escape? I didn't know that was possible.

    Perhaps if you lose or abort a mission?

  15. UPDATE

    Played loads of L. Scout and Scout missions, and with the below they all came in at 100-135. Couple of Corvettes which came in at 120 & 135.

    Played 3 terror missions that came in at 380, 320 & 305. Those were played with the Xeno casualty penalty set to -5. I've increased that to -10 and added the escape alien penalty to failed missions to avoid positive terror scores when you lose.

    Changes from original suggestion in italics:

    50 UFO

    100 base attack/defence

    150 terror site

    10 Aliens killed

    15 Aliens captured

    5 Local Forces surviving

    15 Civilians surviving

    -10 Xenonauts killed

    -20 Vehicles lost

    -5 Local forces killed

    -10 Local forces killed by Xenonauts

    -5 Civilians killed

    -20 Civilians killed by Xenonauts

    -10 Aliens escaped



    Had a look, but couldn't see a discussion on score.

    At the moment, it's all very samey. There's also no reason to place your chaps in danger in order to save civilians (civilian dies, you lose a couple of points) and little penalty for going Rambo with the rocket launcher in a school. At the end, your score will be 11X.

    The UFO recovery is important, but there should be some recognition that killing 9 aliens is a little tougher than 3.

    50 UFO

    15 Aliens killed

    25 Aliens captured

    5 Local Forces surviving

    20 Civilians surviving

    -5 Xenonauts killed

    -20 Vehicles lost

    -5 Local forces killed

    -10 Local forces killed by Xenonauts

    -5 Civilians killed

    -20 Civilians killed by Xenonauts

    -?? Aliens escaped

    Take a typical small scout mission with 3 aliens, 1 LF & 1 civ, aliens all killed and everyone else surviving. Current score 111, score using above 120 (50+45+5+20). So higher than the current level, but with a greatly increased downside.

    Each Xenonaut killed costs you 5; each civilian killed 25; each local force killed 10. The cost of losing your guys is relatively low because you're already taking a massive hit when you lose one (all that experience and £10k to hire a replacement).

    If a civilian at risk of imminent death next turn, at 25 points you might risk your fellows to save them. If there's nothing you can do to save them though, you'll have an incentive not to mow them down yourself as that'll increase the points loss by another 15.

    I've never seen an alien escape, so I don't know how that should be scored. I'll revisit this once I've played a terror mission to see is it massively unbalances the score there.

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