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  1. In a specific building is a doorway where I just can't pass through. I don't think there is a door though since usually Soldiers usually just open doors in their way automatically. That's the building: http://i.imgur.com/qgZr5i4.jpg I marked the door here: http://i.imgur.com/oo5s9sI.jpg
  2. I can't click on the soldier and other soldiers can just walk through him. The soldier can still be selected by clicking on the buttons below and can be hit by enemy (and friendly) fire. This has only happened after loading an autosave of a mission so far but haven't encountered this bug that often to be sure. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/reQ6iPA.jpg
  3. Can confirm that. Had a similar situation before although I only sent one Aircraft to intercept the UFO (and only had one Air combat) but I didn't get a crashsite (which is normal for enemy Fighters I think?) I have the game on Desura if this helps in any way.
  4. Waiting seems to work but it varies how long it takes. I tested it again earlier and after like 1 hour it was still frozen. Now when i tested it just about 10 minutes ago again it just took like 10 minutes. It looks like it works for me now I will keep experimenting around and see if it really works now. Thank you very much Edit: After the first Ground Combat Mission I keep getting "Empty" Crash sites (No Aliens --> Insta-win screen) Don't know if this is related in any way , so I'll look if this already exists or I'll open a new Thread.
  5. As the title says , the game freezes when i hit the "End Turn" button with all Aliens being dead. The Music keeps playing but the screen itself is frozen and i can't ALT + TAB out of it so i had to kill it with the Taskmanager. I have searched the whole Area after the first few times to confirm that this only happens with all Enemies being dead. I have already reinstalled it twice and i have tried to disable friendly AI since this seemed to work for some other Ground Combat freezes. Edit: I experimented a bit with the other game ending conditions. Hold the UFO for 5 turns: Didn't work unless I did something wrong D: (Put 4 of my soldiers inside the UFO (a little Scout) and waited 7 rounds (or more) doing nothing else but pressing "End Turn") All soldiers die in the mission: After all soldiers died i came to the Report Screen. When I try to close the Mission Report screen to return to the Geoscape the game crashes to Desktop. Additionally I uploaded the Dxdiag to Pastebin if this helps you in any way: http://pastebin.com/8N8hANmd Edit2: When aborting the first ground mission there are no aliens in further ground missions and future Ground Missions are won by clicking "End Turn". Don't know if that helps though (: . Edit3 : After what feels like ages I finally get the Mission Report Screen. But after this "first" Mission I keep getting "Empty" Crash sites.
  6. <p><p>Welcome to the forums!</p></p>

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