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Everything posted by tirlimpimpim

  1. Off course not much, but it would enable the natural benefits of sniper rifles in open environments. Say in a city its logical that a sniper could see down the street way further than scopless soldier.
  2. Hi guys, I was kind of wondering wouldn't it be logical to make an action for a sniper rifle, which would uncover fog of war in a narrow cone in front of the sniper for some TU? Like he would actually stop ant look through the scope, thus seeing farther until his line of sight is obstructed. It would change scouting a little, but add some more fun to sniper rifles and some new tactical possibilities. Such thing shouldn't be hard to implement so yeah, what do you think? edit: oh and there must be a researchable Alerium rocket for rocket launcher because its just logical!
  3. OK, so I fully understand that this issue will not be addressed, however I need to vent out one more thing: in Xenonauts, Earth's axis is perpendicular to its orbital plane, unlike the reality, where Earth is tilted by 23.4°. This neglected angle is responsible for seasonal change in daylight duration, you know in northern hemisphere during winter the day is short and in south it's vs. and in Xenonauts daylight duration is constant. So that's that...
  4. Man this is cold All I am trying to do is to bring attention to one aspect of the game, which IMO strays too far away from level of quality expected from Xenonauts, that's it. And yes, it's time for developers to make a choice if this issue is relevant to there vision of Xenonauts or not.
  5. Finally, it might be not a primary way, but just a feature for those geeks and nerds who favour accuracy over intuitiveness, but for the love of Flying Spaghetti Monster please just do it!
  6. Well the crafts would accelerate when approaching the pole and decelerate when travel away from it - imagine a craft flying like that from Russia to USA via the north pole (that is it goes up through one point of the map and reapers 180 degrees away) and I bet you would not be confused by it in any way especially if a pretrail course line would be presented in advance.
  7. OK, lets look at it this way - at the menu screen, we see some generals leaning on the map of the Earth with figureheads of jet aircrafts, when we start the game, the geoscape basically represents THAT tactical table with the map, so it's totally fine that it is squared. However this is not an "actual" Earth, as was in original XCOM, so why does it limits the gameplay?
  8. OK so apparently Xenonaus are using plate carrée version of equirectangular projection map http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equirectangular_projection so the distortions are not so significant as one might think, thus there would not be a huge noticeable "unintuitive" increase in speed of the crafts. However the fact that craft can't traverse poles bugs me big time
  9. Well on Earth there is a lot of land in northern hemisphere, thus having near polar base would be a very logical choice, however in this setup it becomes pointless.
  10. <p><p>Thanks, great to be here <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p>

  11. FES is just a comic relief, but yes, in case of Planetary Defence Simulator pretending that the planet is a cylinder is not the most intelligent choice How you figure this one? Would you personally be annoyed by this feature?
  12. Well now might be the last chance to make this change and I hope developers will consider it. True, but with complexity comes enhanced possibilities. Actually in original XCOM the first base was forced to be placed in Switzerland, because of high density of funding nations in Europe, but later ones could be distributed with high degree of freedom. In Xenonauts case, sadly, the placement of bases is effectively non-existing aspect of game.
  13. For these guys http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/ the fact that Eart is a geoid is also counter intuitive Point being that intuitive might be a little overrated. It kind of would, in a cheating way, but this does not fix neither the flight range of the crafts, nor provide logical consistency.
  14. Sure, I'm buying the the game anyway, however isn't the whole purpose of this forum to provide feedback and make a game better? On the implementation point, I intuitively feel that it shouldn't be a big deal. Having an approximate deformation mesh on the map and applying these coefficients to elongation/speed should do the trick fairly well.
  15. OK, I will try to address the issues: 1. Having realistic movement and radar ranges would unnecessary confuse players. - First we should remember, that Xenonauts will be quite sophisticated game with sophisticated audience. I don't think adopting realistic spherical projection should baffle the minds of most of them, even further, I would tend to believe, that due to its legacy and indie status most people would expect sophistication level to be higher than most common blockbuster titles, since developers don't need to ponder the least common denominators (that is to make it as retard accessible as possible). By visually displaying not circular, but projection distorted radar ranges in the first stage of the game, when the location for the main base is selected, would automatically introduce player to the fact, that the map does not follow Euclidean geometry. An additional paragraph (two/three sentences) could easily explain the discrepancies in travel time. Lastly, this approach could possibly even introduce and familiarize some players to the basics of cartography and geodesy, which is a very fancy and noble thing to do, but that's just a bonus 2 What improvements would this bring in comparison to the current approach? - a) In current system three bases can basically cover the whole world as shown in figure: . The downside of this approach is that logical sites for bases are very few and forced. This diminishes replayability value. By using realistic projection, players will have more freedom to distribute bases in original and different ways. b) Having realistic movement of crafts does not introduce cumberence to the player. The routes are computed automatically. The benefit to the player is that he can deploy bases and receive realistic gameplay, e.g. a craft from Siberia can reach Canada by traversing northern pole, rather than flying a half of equatorial circumference longitudinally and finally ending up without fuel. And last but not the least point - logical consistency! Not having it might seam like a small thing, but it just might be the pebble in the shoe... Finally, on difficulty of implementing such approach. True, I have no idea how hard it would be to make such changes in accordance to the game engine, I just hope its doable, not too late and that this will be done. Anyway, thanks for taking time to mind my babbling
  16. Yes, for a lack of better expression, I want to change the whole map, but its not a change per se, its removal of logical inconsistency in the game, that is the aim. I can see how developers went for projection rather than 3D model of the Earth, but I think that they have missed some issues, this change has introduced to the gameplay, and I hope they will fix it.
  17. No no, the map stays as is (lets pretend its a projection in Xenonauts headquarters used by commanders on the Ipads they seem to have ), what needs to be changed are the calculations of jet/ufo movements and radar distances, plus ability to traverse poles. I mean just because back in headquarters, for convenience sake, Earth is represented as a rectangle, does not mean that it became one, and now jets have to fly from Russia tu USA longitudinally instead of shorter route taken latitudinally.
  18. Thanks for the tip, however it seams that Giovanni was discussing moding the geoscape in regard with all the changes that have to be implemented in order to keep the whole scoring/financing system tied up together with the map. I am not advocating changing the whole map, but just adjusting the travel time/radar range in accordance to the distortions introduced by projecting a geoid on to rectangular 2d map.
  19. I don't think it would be that hard actually (though I admit I have no idea of how creation team have implemented mechanics), just having a distortion mesh on the map and having a function, adjusting the distances and flight speed would suffice, plus enabling radar to cross over the poles. And it's not just visual aspect, the game system is distorted due to this simplification. Currently maximum of 3 bases are required to cover most of land masses and all of them are just a little north of equator
  20. that's a bummer How about an option for realistic radar distances, flight paths, etc.? I mean a little tribute for the nerds to opt in? Please please, pretty please make one!
  21. Hi everybody, First I love what you are doing and I am anxiously waiting for the game - big fan! I recently had a chance to try out Xenonauts v17.6 and one thing struck me - the Earth is flat! And I don't mean it in representation of geoscape (which is pretty nice, though Antarctic is missing for some reason, probably was not discovered back in 1979 ), I mean that curvature of the Earth is totally ignored. Correct me if wrong but you guys seam to compute distances using Euclidean geometry, rather than spherical, which does matter. Secondly, if one was to build a base in northern Canada, its radar should cover northern Russia, but in flat Earth case it becomes nonsensical. I hope you will notice this issue and address it in you final release. Best of luck and fortitude! Cheers, K.
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