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Posts posted by SJF14

  1. OK - you can now grab your Steam keys if you've got a Desura account. To claim and activate your Steam key:

    1) Go to https://secure.desura.com/cart/cdkeys

    2) Log into your Desura account

    3) Click the "Request Key" button next to Xenonauts

    4) Load Steam and go to Games > Activate A Product On Steam in the topbar

    5) Copy the key into Steam

    The above steps are also viewable in picture form here: http://www.xenonauts.com/images/claimguide.jpg

    There will be an instructional email containing this text going out to everyone with a Desura account shortly (and we'll also be getting in contact with those who have not claimed their Desura key to explain how they can get a key), but you guys can jump the queue in the meantime!

    Step 6: Uninstall Desura!

  2. Yeti, I like the videos - good stuff. I am a total noob to Xcom and would like to test the Beta and record my impressions from the perspective of someone who has no knowledge of the original game. Can I ask how you upload video to You Tube. Does it just take hours to do, or is there a way to compress the file and upload quicker?

  3. When will the forum badges end, once it's on Steam?

    I may just buy the game a second time to get a nice gold badge. I haven't even really played the game yet and may not even like it, but I really appreciate what independent developers do and when I think of the dog turds I've played over the past twenty years that cost me £50 each, it only seems fair to help out in this way.

    I just have one request if I do go on and commit 87% of my waking life to Xenonauts over the coming months/years, please do retain your communication with the community and support of the game. When companies fail to do this (such as with XCom-EU) it makes me not want to play anymore. I'd rather play an imperfect game that I knew continued to be worked on and believed in, rather than a something rushed to market and then silently abandoned.

  4. Those would be the same graphics that I bought the game for, so there's always another side to subjectivity.


    So, there would appear to be much complaint about a number of issues.

    There are a few minor things. The odd crash or unhelpful camera angle but generally I've found it very solid.

    Seriously? Just look at this: http://xenonauts.com/devimages/GiantBase.jpg

    So full of detail and charm and you actually get to walk around it and defend it from attacks and the layout influences how you do this and rooms can be damaged and rendered inoperable. Superior visuals and gameplay in one example (imho).

    Well I agree that that is a nice shot and I like the way you put it "full of charm". It's not the scenery/buildings I have a problem with.

    What makes graphics sub par? can 2D and 3D even be compared? For 2D the graphics needs to be rated on the pixel count right? and for 3D it would be the polygon count? Or is there some other way to measure graphics?

    Or is SJF saying that 2D is sub par?

    I think maybe I am yes. I think we can assume that Xcom veterans (I am not one) will be interested in and purchase this game but for the majority of gamers may be turned off when they compare the graphics to other top-down strategy titles. In this age of Starcraft, Diablo, Civilisation, Total War, Company of Heroes, etc etc, can a game using 2D artwork really flourish? If it's a matter of cost and resources, then I understand, and I'm sure they are doing the best they can with what they have to work with. However, as a casual gamer who is not an Xcom afficionado, I have found myself less than convinced by the graphics in the videos and screenshots I've seen.

    It's not just the 2D issue, some of it is design. Here's an example: The soldiers, when you see them in the hangar and choose their equipment, they don't exactly look very badass do they? The ones I've see look like an accountant in a helmet and jumpsuit. Hardly an elite killer force!

    With all that said, I probably shouldn't comment on a game I have yet to play. I did buy it though last night (if only because I like to support independent titles) and I will try to have a look tonight and give some considered feedback.

  5. Hey guys,

    Just pre-ordered Xenonauts! The Firaxis remake of X-Com was a huge disappointment for me, riddled with silly bugs and watered down to a 'strategy-Lite' abomination that, thankfully, has failed to sell well.

    Having played Xenonauts I have to say THANKYOU! for staying true to the genre, and not giving in to the mass market, demographic driven tripe that is now the standard of modern gaming. There are so few good games out there right now (Torchlight 2, FarCry 3 (an ubisoft game no less!) Dishonored) and Xenonauts is right up there with them.

    I truly hope this game gets the recognition it deserves come release, and your hard work and sleepless nights rewarded. I am a former games industry QA veteran and will lend my skills to this game as often as I can.


    Tenzo77 (Stu)

    You're entitled to your view but the facts really don't support it. Xcom enemy unknown was a big commercial and critical success. There is only one bug of any real note, the teleport bug. The maps maybe small but that only makes each decision more crucial. It's also an extremely difficult and unforgiving game at the higher levels.

    I don't really understand why you would bash such an excellent game? Do you realise that Xenonauts is likely to have a plethora of bugs that need to be ironed out too and that it will sell far fewer units than Xcom (since you're bothered about that kind of thing). It may be more prudent to wait until both games have been released before making any comparisons.

    I imagine I will be buying Xenonauts but I'm not going to view it through rose-tinted spectacles. The sub par graphics are already a concern to me. The gameplay will need to be all the more compelling to make up for them. Time will tell if they can pull this off. Until then, I'll continue having fun with other excellent games such as Xcom.

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