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Posts posted by GooberCat

  1. Since this latest patch every time I create a new shortcut or try to run the game using Desura or the Xenonaut exe I get the below error

    "Xenonauts has stopped working.... windows is checking for the solution"

    I can only get the game to run if I use the "launcherfix" from the Xenonaut folder. Im not a computer savvy guy so maybe thats a Desura problem but I thought I post in case its not.

    Also... if it is a known bug again sorry for this post.

  2. I'm not sure if this is a current feature or not (it has yet to happen to me)... but I was wondering if weapons could be damaged while in a battle or firefight. In the original Xcom your weapon could be damaged forcing you to use a secondary weapon such as a pistol or combat knife. I would for that same randomness to be added here in Xenonauts.

    Weapons in real life jam, get banged up and/or take damage is say a ball of steaming plasma hits it.

    I read another post somewhere claiming that they would love to use pistols more often but find themselves not using them because of every other weapon is just so much better. This would help to ensure that all weapons could/will be used in game.

    Again, if this is a feature or has already been talked about I'm sorry for this post.

    Thanks for listening.... :)

    p.s. you guys have done AMAZING work since the alpha stage... I cannot wait to see the final product! Keep up the great work!

  3. Maybe you could have a premiem order name bonus be where the premium order guys can submit an ingame soldier name added to the list of names already in the game.... or something like that. Im sure it couldn't be to hard to add a few more to your list (maybe with a badge next to it) to show their support?

    In the end I preordered so this game could be the best it could be but also upgrading over the standard for a little extra.....

    Anyhoo just my 2 cents.

  4. Im not saying "locking them" what I mean is to have the option to build a structure like "sniper school" or "med school" to be able to have advanced training options unlocked or learned. If they dont goto school per say... they are more like a jack of all trades.... thats all I mean :)

  5. After playing the new XCOM: EU I came to love the fact that you could have specialized soldiers. I don't necessarily agree with not having a choice on what you get... but maybe you could train a batch of soldiers and see what they are "gifted in".

    IE: if someone has a medical aptitude they could go to a med center to train up their medical skills.... or another person sniper school.. and on and on.

    I just think something like the above could add an interesting dynamic to the game while keeping the core the same. People who have to choose more on the type of soldiers they are bringing to a fight and makes them think more on the types of weapons they use.

    Just my two cents.

    Keep up the great work!

  6. XCOM EU is an awesome game! The combat is by far the most intense experience ever for XCOM. Ive just recently beat the game on Classic Ironman and I had to actually restart several times before learning how to overcome those nasty aliens and keep my panic levels down. The class system actually makes you think about how to make your squad rather then "heavy plasma, heavy plasma... med kit, med kit... etc". Each soldier had a role and I did get attached to them and was sad when some of my favorites died.... especially when it was to a cryssilid (sp?)... those zombie making bastards! There was some VERY tense battles where it could have gone either way.... I LOVED having a chance to loose... even near the end game.

    What XCOM EU does lack is depth.... I felt way more involved in the original XCOM and I had alot more freedom to defend the earth my way. The overall feel wasn't too dark and the story was set out before you and you pretty much just get to follow it. I want more choice period. I don't think it will have the same replay ability as Xenonauts though!

    Overall... XCOM EU is worth a try if your on the fence its a great game.

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