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Posts posted by goodoldxelos

  1. Not sure what is causing the crash other than when I hit the end turn it crashes (looks related to when alien engages civilian). I can't see any way of getting past it, restarting mission from beginning corrected crash.

    I've uploaded the save game to below googledrive link.


  2. I was playing the other day and was thoroughly pissed when my team could not make it to a terror mission resulting in destruction of the city. The standard skyranger was not limited I assumed incorrectly that the standard dropship could make it. After reading this I didn't figure selling alien alloys and alenium would garner so much cash. So either make it explicit that the helo cannot make it to the opposite side of planet and back or ensure players sell their alloys/alenium for cash to create other bases.

  3. I have this same problem.

    (running dual monitor setup, extended desktop, nvidia graphics card)

    1. I bring up Xenonauts in steam library.

    2. Click "play", loading the "Xenonaut Launcher"

    3. Ensure the "Run in Window" is checked and 1920x1080 resolution is selected, click "Play Xenonauts"

    4. Xenonauts launches but in what seems to be fullscreen mode, in window you can usually freely move your cursor seamlessly in and out of the window.

  4. The full/max air to air load-out on most fighter aircraft (hardpoint system) should work. I'm guessing the air to air combat system is not finalized?

    As for suggestions, in the real world air to air engagements are classified generally into 2 categories. Beyond Visual Range and Within Visual range (which can become what is referred to as a "knife fight"). I would suggest the developers keep these 2 concepts.

  5. It would probably require a rebalance of how the game handles weapons.

    In real life, firing 10 missiles at once (if you could - there are interference issues) won't do much, because they're all likely to miss together. Missiles have fairly low hit probabilities, but are very destructive if they do score a direct hit (usually it's proximity). So planes have to shoot two, turn around, fire two from another position, and so on.

    TBH I find it hard to even imagine air combat with a UFO, and even harder to imagine it in a way that doesn't involve the UFO getting away scot free.

    In the original XCOM, the problem was your planes getting shot down unless you had weapons to match. Quality mattered a lot more than quantity.

    Missiles have low hit probabilities (which missiles are you specifically referring to)? Please inform me what airforce or missile/radar designer do you work for because I'm unsure where you are getting this information. In fact the true detailed accuracy information of most missile systems is publicly unavailable.

    You stated many misfacts and there are many factors that go into whether a missile hits or misses. Plane, radar, pilot, weather conditions, type of missile tracking system. I don't recall any missile relying on contact fuzes as their primary fuze.

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