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Posts posted by Mathalor

  1. Last I played the game was in Alpha, so I figured I'd check out the released version. It's pretty cool, but I'm having trouble throwing grenades over things. I had a soldier next to a farm hedge chuck a grenade over the hedge, but it landed at his feet. It didn't look like a very tall hedge. Am I doing something wrong?

  2. Here you go with a good example - one of the most popular Kickstarter game projects in recent days:


    I would never buy a steam trading card, or buy a game to get a steam trading card. Getting cards for the games I was going to buy anyway is okay with me. Cause, why not.

    That project linked is totally up front about what it is, looks like it'd be fun, and has an amusing theme. Unless they give you a 1/200th of the possible cards and sell booster packs, it's not fair to compare that with trading cards.

  3. I haven't played Fireaxe's game, and wasn't planning on it. I really hate the whole power armor art thing that I see in all the trailers. But Sinfullyvannila, you make some good points. Now I want to try it. I just wish it wasn't $50. And about people being ignorant, I think it's nostalgia for the old game. It makes the old game look better than it really was.

  4. What do you think of having the first floor of really big UFOs capture-able on the first map, and the upper levels in a 2nd map? As far as I know, we're not getting flying soldiers anyway, so there's little tactical reason to map out the upper levels on the original map.

  5. High explosives in the first game were a powerful explosive weapon you could use from day one in the first game. You either set a long timer and ran or you gave it to someone with a really high strength who could throw it farther than the blast radius. Rocket launchers could kill everything on one floor of small buildings. Autocannons could be loaded with high explosive ammo and fired in bursts (so much fun). And there were normal and prox grenades and the heavy cannon.

    Xenonauts high explosives shouldn't require you to kill your own man. Existing explosives should be more effective. In order of priority: wider blast area, more property damage, and higher damage to aliens/unlucky soldiers/civilians.

  6. I made a post in the suggestions forum about toning down air combat difficulty and someone told me that the small scouts have been upgraded in speed in the last patch, an undocumented change. Right now they're at 2300, but apparently if you lower the speed to 2100 your f17s can engage them when they intercept the ufo head on. You might try making that change, it sounds like it'll fix much of both our problems. I will for myself, as soon as I figure out which file it's in.

  7. I reserve the right to change my mind if the final product is awesome, but I'm also disappointed with the proposed change. I agree with Sluissa. Making a tactical entry of a UFO without knowing if there was an alien ready to pop his head out of the door and take your face off was one of the most tense moments in the original game. I think you're losing more than you're gaining by getting rid of it for the ability to have what sounds like better artwork.

    I would suggest, if you absolutely must separate the upper floors, you make the first floor of the UFO part of the original map that must be cleaned out. Then start your second half of the mission on the 2nd floor. Don't make the cutoff point outside the UFO.

  8. I didn't read thoroughly enough. In the original you could arm your grenades and carry them around and they'd blow whenever you dropped. It'd destroy your equipment though. I guess Xenonauts could do something similar, but I don't see much of a point. There aren't a lot of melee range attacks in either game, usually you just wind up paying extra money replacing the equipment and you're more likely to be within 3 tiles of your own guys than you are to be within 3 tiles of an alien when you drop. If you are simply running in with a stun rod and a primed grenade, you could do that with C4, since it has a timer. Right now my C4 destroys about 1 tile though, so the tactic will be more effective after they do some rebalancing.

  9. I'm okay with them flying in formation, it makes a lot of sense. And I'll try that delayed missile thing. I never got to alenium missles or laser cannons. My game bugged out after the 1 month mark and I got a crash to desktop for trying loading it. I filed a bug report on it.

    Also, there's a bug where my cannons would simply stop firing until I told one of the planes to defensive roll. Come to think of it, I forgot to file that.

    And slowing them to 2100 sounds like a good idea. I'll try that if I can find the right file, and see if I still have the same concerns. That and the fighters spawning less whenever that gets fixed might be enough. It still might be a good idea to lower the cost of (f17) fighters though. Losing one early cause you screwed up is very punishing.

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