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Posts posted by mace6442

  1. All in all, Chris has said that he doesn't want indirect ways of killing aliens without getting close to them. This is why we don't have mortars, artillery, or other non-line-of-sight means of killing hostiles. Grenades are kinda close, but you need to see where you're throwing them, so it works out.

    I would say that rockets both vehicle and hand held kinda contridict this. Anyhow, you would have to be close enough to see them to use any direct or indirect fire of any sort so mortors would fall within him constraints.

    Anyhow, I am happy with the way it is although I never use a vehicle or rockets and almost never carry nades. I like fire and manouver over throwing tonnes of bang at them

  2. The role players would point to the fact that we are using stike teams that like spical forces deploy before anyone even knows about it - they don't use indirect fire unless they can carry it.....say motars. Arty is too much IMO. Air strike, perhaps if you sent a plane from your base but you should factor in the wait time.

    over all I give this a 1 out of 10..........Motors is an idea though. Same as rockets (people must carry ammo etc) only indirect so can lob over buildings..

  3. That assumes the players most likely to complain are the ones who know what a beta really is.

    Sadly most seem to believe that beta means finished game these days.

    Could not agrea more. From my experiance people seem to think Beta is nothing more that a privlidge for better people to test a game before the common people get to go.

  4. I understand what you mean but it was not the case in the 40s let alone the 70s. My dad went to some far reach places as short notice and they had maps of the area.

    Not that I care anyway as it simply isn’t gona change in the game. I understand that, but it annoys me when people set out to disprove your point before they truly invest in the idea that it could just be so.

    This has evolved to nothing to do with the game but I think the idea of people thinking they go in blind is kind of funny as how would they know where to land without a map - saying south of the building x is rather a lot of pressure on a pilot that’s apparently flying blind.

    I am military and my family have been in the Army since the Army in its current form existed. Anyone that thinks that any Army goes anywhere without knowing the land is kidding them self. I could grant you that a few fields would be unmapped in extremis but a town with railways - might I remind us that world war 1 and 2 meant that both America and Britain as well as almost every other country in the world has travelled the globe and they never did it blind.

    Least we forget that many of us have colonised parts of the world and have occupying forces in most areas.

  5. Why would you fly directly over a landing site of a UFO that has advanced weaponry and potentially a hostile crew with guns pointing at the sky waiting for you?

    I find it more likely you would fly in low without passing over the enemy crash site and land at a safe distance.

    That means you would not have seen the area from the air, you may at best have a rough idea of direction if there was a smoke column.

    LMAO - You can fly half way round the world to a country and manage to land a few clicks away from a downed craft and have no idea about the lay of the land?

    So no maps, no satelite images, no drones relaying images, no fighter nose cams - Nothing?

    The real question is, why would you go at all if you have no information at all - oh, other than you know how damaged it is.

    And more to the point, if you are to avoid the crash site you would have to know the lay of the land and more importantly, if you are to land at your LZ you should know the area .....your idea is kinda faulty.

  6. Can't kill them all TBH......

    I some times use 3 x F-17 to take down the escorts then work out what aircraft the corvel is following so I can draw it away - then the other two empty their guns into it from behind. At some point you will have to leave it but then come back with the MiG (3 is ideal) ; ideally with 4 torps.

    If you get into the red area you are dead.

    Mult runs should work

  7. Hi,

    I have tried to update this through Desura and when I load the game it shows as V18.00 - 2 Apr 2013 in the top right.

    Is there a trick im missing please? any advice would be great as I seem to have massive problems everytime something is changed and I have not really had any oppertunity to test the game and provide feedback.

    I do have it down loaded on the standalone but I am having issues with the lasor ammo but and the fixes proposed are not helping as I have no reaserch to do.

    Please help.


  8. Aliens now have somewhat shorter sight ranges. It's still longer than human sight ranges, but less so. This means the Hunter also has a reduced sight range (but it is still longer than most aliens). (EDIT - actually, this isn't in the game. It'll be in the hotfix).

    Does this mean its in this patch or comming later?

    Forgive me for being confused,,,

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