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Everything posted by SavageAsHeLL

  1. It would be great if we could group up soldiers to make them easier and faster to move in groups. I understand Leap Frogging is probably the best method, but at times it would be great to move groups together instead of clicking one by one. Another suggestion would be changing the soldier number. I have 8 soldiers in my Chinook and as you can move them around your chopper before leaving in combat from the base, you cannot change their number. So when i move my soldiers in groups, for instance soldier 1 has better aim so he has a sniper, but solder 6 can carry more so he has a rocket launcher. If i move them together in a certain area, i have to switch back and forth between 1 and 6, rather than making number 6 soldier number 2 instead, making it easier to switch back and forth while moving together in a certain area.
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