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10 Good
  1. Can believe that someone hasn't already spotted this but couldn't find it posted already. It's also quite hard to describe. Basically the chest high concrete cover in the ground missions is visually different to it's coded orientation. The wall section which run from top left to bottom right direction are fine. However the section that run at 90 degrees to that (top right to bottom left) or at least look like this actually provide cover and passability as if they were orientated the other way. This leads to my units walking through sections of wall when they should be climbing over them and if I want a soldier to run down the side of a long stretch of them he will instead be climbing over many sections of invisible wall. This is most notable in the top left corner of the basic ground combat map where i often have my men approach the crashed scout ship using this concrete cover.
  2. I just had this same crash however I noticed something else odd before it happened: I was carefully surrounding an unsuspecting alien planning my attack as everytime I looked to shot it the chance to hit was 0. Then after several turns I realised it was not moving at all. It didn't move, turn, shoot or rection fire at any of my units. I thought this very odd but assumed it was a glitch related to the 0% hit chance at 4 tiles away so shot at it and the game crashed.
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