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Posts posted by StellarRat

  1. I can cite several of such weird...
    By rights, the aliens should know where all your soldiers are 100% of the time while you're in their bases or ships. If anything the AI knows too little about your positions, so if the AI receives an update once every 10 turns about your location I certainly wouldn't say it's cheating. Generally speaking, the AI really doesn't have enough information about a lot of things that you can derive in your mind.
  2. Grenades and explode at turn end because there were too many complaints about troops blowing themselves up with instant trigger grenades.
    Yeah, it's much more sensible to give you a chance to run away on a mis-throw and there are a lot of them specially if you don't understand the cover "thing".
  3. -The Atmosphere/Art Assets

    While not terrible, the atmosphere generated by Xenonauts is firmly in the "meh" territory. I do not get the creepy, fatalistic vibe that I got from the original x-com, or the tense horror from terror from the deep. The musical scores are bland and unremarkable. The art style gets the job done, but does not wow me. Needs more faces for the soldiers please, I want to feel like I'm leading real people, not clones. I remember one playthrough where literally half of my team were dudes with the same face..

    I'm a little surprised by this comment. What were you expecting? In the OG you couldn't even make out faces because the resolution was so low. I'm not sure, given the scale, that much facial detail would even be possible in Xenonauts at least on the battlefield characters. The music was also incredibly simplistic in the OG due to limitations of hardware at the time. Comparatively, it's like some guy with one string bass vs. an entire symphony orchestra. I think the feeling of horror and dread may have been more visceral for you because you were younger and the screens were so murky that much was left to the imagination.
  4. Hi all,

    Just wondering if it possible to make a mod for Xenonauts where one is able to throw a grenade to a sqaud member if they are out of range of an alien they have spotted and then the squad member they have thrown the grenade to can then throw that grenade at the enemy. This was something that one could do when playing Xcom.


    That was an exploit in the OG and the reason why it isn't possible in Xenonauts.

  5. Is it unrealistic? Only if you believe real war rooms in 1979 had holographically projected globes (in which case you need to stop smoking that stuff or maybe see a doctor about your delusional perception of reality).
    I've been in a real command center, they use 2D flat maps, or least they did in the mid 2000's. I can only assume they weren't better before that.
  6. I wonder if Chris would have even started the project if he had known ahead of time how long and how much money it was really going to take? A lot of people get into things without knowing what's ahead and accomplish things no one thought possible because they simply didn't know any better going in, but are persistent.

  7. Cause many people bought into the advertising that the game is a reproduction of bestseller x-com. But, in fact - its degradation!
    I completely disagree with this statement. Xenonauts is superior to XCom in many ways. A few big ones I can think of: Better non-cheating alien AI, air combat is far more interesting and important to your success, better combat UI, better music and better graphics.
  8. I don't mind the 2D globe at all. Anytime you try to model a 3D object onto a 2D screen (or paper) you're going to be forced to make compromises. The early cartographers ran into the exact same issues resulting in many different ways to display the Earth each with it's own pluses and minuses. All whole Earth games struggle with this including "big time" games like CIV where you can't cross the poles going North and South. The only way to truly represent the planet with a computer system would be a holographic projection that you could walk around i.e. a true virtual globe.

  9. No reload is possible as far as I know. But, you can increase the number of rounds you start with by modding. You'll have to ask someone what file to change. The missiles are there because the art was done before the vehicle capabilities were finalized. You can sort of mod a secondary weapon into the vehicles, but the UI doesn't support it very well.

  10. rifles vastly improve in utility once you have higher accuracy, where as shotguns are basically pointless out side of the 2-3 tile range no matter how good of a shot your trooper is.
    I think this is quite true. Rifles have good range and in the hands of a skilled marksman they become deadly. Most people probably put their good shooters on the sniper rifle and LMG, but there is something to be said for riflemen with skill.
  11. Hi,

    Is there a good way to find dropped equipment? In the old games, we had a map view which helped, but not here.

    I know you can see things dropped, but this can be tricky near walls or if there's lots of debris around.



    Not really. Some things are fairly easy to see on the ground other things are nearly impossible. That is a problem with the game, although, I'm thinking this could probably be easily fixed with a mod or a small code change.
  12. The answer is simple. Two things, one the games with awesome graphics and sound cost a lot of money to produce. It takes dozens of artists and designers to produce them that's big $$. So, they dumb down the game to appeal to largest possible audience because they need to sell a lot of copies to recover their investment. Teenagers and children that like shooters aren't going to play Hearts of Iron, etc... Second reason, the is tied to the first reason, the game has to run on a console. Again, this is to sell to the largest possible audience. That means it needs a simple interface that you can easily operate with a console controller. Simple interface = simple game. One really good example of this dumbing down is MorrowWind -> Oblivion -> Skyrim. You can see a progressive removal of features and complication with each iteration. Anytime big business gets a hold of anything and marketing and accounting people get involved any type of thinking requirements go to hell. They even dumbed down Dungeons and Dragons to increase the audience. Blockbuster movies have simple plots and lots of special effects. Same principle.

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