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Everything posted by Fratzicu

  1. Hi, I opened this topic for the ones that played and enjoyed them all. I don't do this often but since Xenonauts is the only one continuing this legacy and since there is some desire to bring the game to the next level I thought I would share some impressions and suggestions. Annoying stuff for all the games: - the missions are very similar and get boring. There can be many missions at times with very similar tactics and biome. the reward is very small in comparison with the collecting reward without fighting. - the interceptor planes battles are quite poorly designed - the action happens only on Earth (except the endgame in some games). Suggestions for Xenonauts 2: - less ufo missions and more diverse - mixture of races - possibility to choose to control also local forces and also recruit some after battle - possibility to just watch the battle (AI controlled battle - for the oones who get bored) - possibility to choose to increase certain skills after battles - tactical geoscape game more diverse - no limit of number of bases - some types of bases (small - only for interception, some big including research, some custom, etc) - custom design of aircrafts (number of weapons, hull thickness - of course this could influence speed, maneuvrability and range) - pilots skills maybe - possibility to send 2 squads for the same crashed UFO mission - next level game - interstellar mission aircraft - after some research you can build a spaceship with some personnel to go on another planet (first in our solar system and then in some surrounding solar systems) - possibility to recruit some alien soldiers - if you go on another solar system - the possibility to recruit some soldiers of the local race - could be sectoid (psionic power, low strength, low accuracy) - could be sebillian (high hitpoints) - could be Mentarch (high accuracy) - could be other conquered races with various strengths and weaknesses - both underwater (like UFO 2 - terror from the deep) and land game play - improved AI - I noticed that during a tactical combat, if you stand in front of a closed door the enemy does not open it (except the reaper). - also I noticed that the enemy does not use grenades unless there are more soldiers grouped together The game has many possibilities. I enjoyed every one since Alien Invasion but it has to bring something new to become playable, challenging and more enjoyable. Kind regards
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