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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. so I placed a generator down but decided I do not want to build it there so I tried right click it to remove blue print before any work started and it says i cant do that ? I mean i am not over my generator power amount so why can't these things be disabled and then brought down ? all I did was place template and decide ehh I do want it someplace else why can i not remove the template ? I also found this to be issue with radar I built a new radar because I did not like location where the radar spawns with new base and i cant delete the old radar nor can I delete the new radar after its built I mean if its not being used and or if it's unwanted should be able to demolish it ? so then i decided to test this by just slapping down a workshop template and i tried to immediately right click and delete it and it also says i cant remove this building its not even built ? what ever rescitions are in place to make it so you cant delete buildings demolish them seems to be bugging out for while I could demolish templates but then after placing template three times in row and removing it five times it bugged out and then effect every building in base so after that I could no longer remove templates that were placed down nor demolish buildings that where already built. I have 2,500,000 Free monies so its not monie issue I have access power so its not power issue and workshops and labs not being used and I can't demolish warehouses ether now all of a sudden even ones that are not even built yet also I can not seem to remove any building that came prebuilt with the base even hangers which i emptied I can not demolish. I would provided save game file but there not being saved in the folder C:/ Users / [YourUsername] / My Games / Xenonauts 2 / Saves they seem to be kept on the steam cloud so they seem to be inaccessible
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