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Everything posted by sword7495

  1. I also find the soldier selection and assignment part not very streamlined. Maybe it would be better to look into the issues from the "slots in dropship" point of view. We could assign specific roles to each slot of a dropship, incl. vehicle, and simply select the soldier from all available soldiers with this role. This has some benefits: 1) You only have to assign a role to a solider once. 2) The number of soldiers for each slot is limited by the number of soldiers with the role. That means if the game wants to know which soldiers goes to a dropship slot, it first presents you only the ones with the selected role. This makes it easy to distinguish between them by states and status, since you only have 2-4 of each type. For the case that no solider is available for a slot with a dedicated role, have a "allow any role" filter during the solider selection.
  2. Thanks for pointing these out. It would be nice to have the zoom and the crouch reservation in the tutorial. I would also suggest to have small UI buttons for map rotation and zoom. I did not noticed it :). However, I would prefer to see the role all the time without mouse over. Just from a typical scenario with two squads spread around the map: where the f*** is my sniper? It would be really nice to have a bunch of easily to recognize icons which can be assigned to each soldier. Customized Armor colors would be nice too. Ok, this is new and could be shown as a in-game tip during the loading screen.
  3. Hi all, I just finished Xenonauts 2 (Veteran difficulty) and I would like to give you my impressions. First, I’m a Xenonauts 1 Veteran, which played 100th of hours, most of the time with overhaul mods like X-division. So I have quite a bit of experience and a (strong) own view how the game should be played. Overall, I’m very pleased with the current status, but there is room for improvement. I got the familiar feeling and the tension like in previous Xenonauts like games and enjoyed the play through. Some detailed feedback: Cover: Cover which does not breaks light of-sight is useless. It is too easy to destroy (by gun or by explosives) and the drop in accuracy (ACC) is not strong enough to prevent aliens to shoot at your guys (besides using a smoke grenade, but then you cannot shot anymore from behind cover). I tried rushing from cover to cover in the first missions, to get my guys a better hit change, but got seriously punished for it. How to solve it? Maybe, increase cover resistance and accuracy drop and introduce a ACC penalty for moving before shooting. The last point avoids hiding around the corner, outside line of sight. Start of the game: As always, the first 5-10 missions are the hardest ones, especially if there is a timer. After your guys got some additional stats, everything is much easier. Maybe add a penalty to the aliens during the first months in the game? Timer missions: At first I hated these mission, but then is became clear that you can always get the objectives and the challenge is more on how much bonus is possible. I would further strengthen this point by adding more bonuses. Special UFO missions (besides crashed ufos): After I got 3 bases with 3 planes each, it was quite easy to destroy most of the UFOs, which resulted in a lack of these special missions, at least this was my impression. I would love if some of these special missions are triggered automatically, so the player cannot avoid it. (looking at you base defense) . Another option would be special camouflaged UFOs or something like that, which cannot be shot down, like the regular ones. Unique upgrades: I understand the idea that you want to avoid small-scale engineering of single items, which is ok for stuff like grenades. However, for my aircraft, I would prefer to upgrade them step by step at a smaller cost for each. (you did it for personal armor!) Soldier exhaustion: Xenonauts 2 needs an exhaustion system for soldiers! Don’t allow deployment in multiple missions during a 1-3 day window. Or at least decrease the overall states by x%. Soldiers equipment: I still find the system not very intuitive and difficult to manage. Especially the case when you come back from a mission and some of your guys are lightly wounded. You have to manually empty their equipment (I have an empty “role”) and deselect the transporter. I don’t have an easy solution here but there may be some. Soldiers in general: There is no really difference between soldiers, especially in the later stages of the game. It would be nice, if they earn some simple passive perks, depending on their role in the battlefield. Like, +5 ACC with their favourite weapon and so on… Color coding: The soldier selection bar in the middle of the top screen during missions needs some improvement. It is VERY difficult to recognise the weapon and the role of the soldier in mid battle (in xeno1 there were simple role symbols). Suggestion: allow to color coding the armor of your soldier or at least give each role a color code which is shown in the bar. Reserve TU: Please let me reserve TU to crouch! Smoke grenades: Why do they stun? Why don't your soldiers have gas masks? Friendly fire and suppression: To often my guys supress or hit each other due to a stray bullet, especially in close encounters. I mean, there are a combat team, they know when they are firing, there is no surprise. It would be nice to address this issue. E.g. plus 50 % suppression resistance and minus 50% to be hit change when your own, close by guys are firing. Civilian: In my last mission an unarmed civilian run into an ufo and teleported around – he was killed. Suicide by aliens - Why? CPU: My relative new Laptop gets quite hot running the game. I find this quite strange for an turn based game. Any idea? Autosave: Please add an autosave at the start of the first turn during ground combat. Currently, only successive turns have one. Baton: You can put a baton in the second hand slot and use it, while carrying a 2-handed weapon. This should not be possible. Geo: It should be possible to seen how many days remain in a month and the current financial expanses, not only in the report at the end of the month. Zoom: There should be a vertical zoom for ground combat. Aiming at greater distances, e.g. sniper, is difficult, because I cannot see the soldier, obstacles and the alien at the same time.
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