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Everything posted by xdell22

  1. Pretty much as stated in the title, I will explain in detail what has happened multiple times already throughout one of my first playthroughs. Specifically after finishing any mission (has happened with multiple types of missions, I would say it's safe to assume any of them can cause this issue), I would edit my whole squad's loadouts in the armory and, while doing so, I would notice that I had more weapons available than I should have - for example, I was certain I only produced 3 laser rifles, but I was able to equip 5 of them across my soldiers. The same went for Warden armor and Stun guns. Then, upon launching my squad in its dropship (without reviewing the squad's loadouts, because there should be no reason for them to differ from what I literally just saved in the armory 10 seconds prior), reaching the target mission and inspecting my soldiers, I would notice missing weapons, armor and what not. I think you get the idea. As far as I can tell, this issue does not occur if one takes the precaution of saving and reloading the game right after any given mission (after the dropship gets back to its base). In other words, this is a temporary issue that takes place during the game's flow, and would not be reflected in savegames. Similarly but not quite in the same fashion, as I mentioned above I know for a fact that I produced 3 laser rifles across my playthrough, and I could swear one of them went missing at some point. Just gone. Never to be seen again. I had never lost a soldier past very early game with ballistic weapons only, never forgot to pick weapons back up on fleeing or incapacitated soldiers, basically I am 100% certain that that one rifle should have come back to the base and, at some point, it just didn't. Lastly, more as a foot note that is semi-related, I am 99.9% sure that upon a base defense mission, the game can gift you at least some sentry turret weapons as their normal weapon equivalent. Specifically, I had only ever crafted 3 laser machineguns but I had 6, and I can't think of any other way I could have got the extra ones.
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