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Everything posted by Orgil

  1. Interesting! When I tried in the original post it told me that it didn't support .json. Must have done something wrong. Anyway here is the file! iron_man-83.json
  2. Description: I was raiding my first cleaner headquarters. After incapacitating the enemy leader I blew up the corpse with a demolition charge which removed them but did not trigger the objective "kill the enemy leader" What Happened: I accidentaly incapacitated the cell leader using smoke when I was raiding my first Cleaner HQ. Since the objective ticked I decided to return to extraction before realising that I needed to bring the unconcious leader with me (makes sense when you think about it!). After returning to the spot where the leader was lying I decided it was too dangerous to pick them up so I decided to kill them (since the new objective states "Return the Enemy leader to the Drop ship (or kill them)"). I threw a demolishion charge at the corpse since I figured that would do the trick but nothing happened, the model was still on the ground. Since that didn't work I sent someone to pick up the corpse but when I stood on them and opened the inventory there was only "Debris" items available, and after closing the inventory again the model had disappeared. This did not tick the objective and returning all operatives to extraction did not finish the mission. The log seems to be empty (and has not updated since the 18th) and I can't figure out where to submit the savefile (if you let me know how I will happily submit it!), but I hope the information is helpful anyway! All the best Martin
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