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Everything posted by eversor

  1. The same system used for ground combat, but aircraft and ufos instead of ground units with a static grid for movement over moving ground loop visuals or clouds for high altitude. turn based combat focused on closing with target , alien ships main objective is to reach objective on geoscape they can turn and fire on you but are still heading towards their goal, escorts dogfight. main ships stay near top edge of the map while your fighters chase them getting closer each round. your evasive rolls and turning cost you distance to target. pilot skills and abilities on both sides. ( resistance to black outs, dodge chance, hit chance decoy systems on both sides for weapon evasion. random damage effects on both sides like damaged weapon systems, targeting, engines, pilot/ crew death stuns ecm type effects, blinding lights from ufos, short ranged teleporting evasions from ufo fighters and light ships ability to deploy up to 10 fighters vs more ufo escorts with large ships. for air battles make altitude and angles of attack vs armor on facings of ships a factor.
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