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Posts posted by Melee

    • Description:  Crash to desktop clicking save game in load dialog.
    • What Happened:  Had restarted game because game's ever climbing memory usage forced page file usage. Clicked 'Load Game' at 'Main Menu' and then clicked most recent save game.
    • Further information:  Log and save I was trying to load attached.  Error occurs in log at "2023-01-15 22:48:14,906 [ERROR]".  Second load attempt successful.



    • Description:  Crashed to desktop turning power on and then back off on second workshop.
    • What Happened:  Third generator completed construction.  Turned the power on a previously built second workshop.  Then turned power back off.
    • Reproduction:  Load attached save. Forward time to ~10:00 when the generator construction completes and click 'View Base'.  Click unpowered workshop to turn power on. Right-click same workshop to turn power off - CTD. The engineering capacity before (5/5) and after (5/12) turning the power on doesn't jive with workshop building information (+4/+2 adj.) for two adjacent workshops (4+4+2=10).  Turning the power off changes the engineering capacity to 4/12 but there are 5 engineers.

    output.log quick-18.json

  1. v25.4/b Playtest Day 13-30 [Veteran]


    • Xenopedia 'UFO Scout' entry missing speed value and 3rd paragraph the word 'millimeter' is missing an 'l'.
    • Engineering comment text background often doesn't extend to fit text.
    • Un-researched project completion time shown varies by an hour.  e.g., a project showing a completion time of 7 days 23 hours, other times will show 8 days.
    • Engineering project completion time shown varies by an hour.  e.g., a project showing a completion time of 4 days 23 hours, other times will show 5 days.
    • 'Cleaner Intelligence Hub' tactical mission dialog, suggest adding the word 'an' between 'as' and 'intelligence'.
    • 'Cleaner Intelligence Hub' map has many walk-through walls and inaccessible map tiles.
    • When would 'Ablative Plating' be constructed? I built another X-25 in month one and it came with plating.
    • 'Complete Alien Hyperdrive Research Project' objective appears before having the research project.
    • 'Next funding review on day X' somewhere or similar would be helpful.

    Tactical Combat

    • The amount of aliens right outside the dropship in the first few missions is sometimes problematic if the overall accuracy and strength of the starting soldiers is subpar. Do the starting stats scale with difficulty? Also partly map dependent if there is no close cover.  HR needs to have chat with the dropship pilots or hire some door gunners (mini-game on landing?).


    • Objectives left aligned and indented slightly inside Geoscape map border line.
    • Can the quick-'Saving...' text in upper left corner be removed? I think it bugs me because it splatters over the graphics like a run-time error.


    Engineering Text Background.jpg

    • Like 1
  2. v25.4 Playtest, Day 1-13 [Veteran]


    • 25.3 saves recognized as loadable/continuable.
    • Load dialog save selection behavior/hang/crash weirdness seems fixed. :)
    • [Previously noted] Base placement radar still disappears crossing past center of Pacific Ocean depending on which side of screen center the center of the Pacific is scrolled.
    • [Previously noted] Hovering over Europe still highlights Iceland, while hovering over Iceland doesn't highlight Europe.
    • [Previously noted] Hovering over North America still highlights tip of northern ice, but hovering over tip of northern ice doesn't highlight North America.
    • [Previously noted] Hovering over Asia Pacific still highlights New Zealand, but hovering over New Zealand doesn't highlight Asia Pacific.
    • 'Launch Aircraft button overhangs panel. (@1650x1080 native resolution)
    • 'Missile Battery' selection bottom border missing.
    • 'Hangar' selection bottom border missing.
    • 'Missile Battery' selection bottom border missing.
    • 'Launch Combat Team' button top border missing.
    • Un-researched 'Cleaner Operations' shows 8 day 23 hour completion in list after first cleaner mission. Sometimes shows 9 day completion time after time passes. Inconsistent.


    Launch Aircraft Overhang.jpg

    Missile Battery Bounding Box.jpg

    Hangar Bounding Box.jpg

    Button border missing.jpg

  3. v25.3 Playtest SitRep #4 [Veteran]


    • 'Explosive Death' tooltip, word 'show' should be 'shown'.
    • Xenopedia entry for 'Skyhawk' lists speed as 7200 KpH which is 4X faster than X-3 listed as 1800 KpH.
    • 'Storeroom' building lists +200 adjacency bonus, yet total items stored/capacity is not shown anywhere.
    • Soldier weapons in transfer show available quantity in 'Armory' but can't be equipped, confusing.
    • 142 days into campaign. Researched 'Heavy Lasers', 'Vehicle Lasers', and 'Improved Lasers' or thereabouts (can't tell for sure because Xenopedia isn't finished/doesn't reflect research). An aircraft laser weapon hasn't unlocked but base defense laser upgrade did. Large UFOs are starting to appear that I cannot do enough damage to. Are there aircraft laser weapons?
    • 'Vehicle Lasers' project 'Laser Cannon' tooltip speaks of 'high caliber projectiles' inconsistent with coherent beams of light.
    • 'Vehicle Lasers' project didn't seem to do anything.
    • 'Armory | Edit Loadout' - Cursor doesn't align with text in input box.
    • Save loading dialog requires voodoo and mystic clicking: The game usually won't recognize and load the most recent save-game, frequently hanging on the loading screen. If I exit the loading screen and open it again it will load the save. Seems to depend on how quickly I click on the first save. I've had the first save selected, the load button enabled, but gray thumbnail and it won't load. Unselecting the save and reselecting it resulted in a disabled load button.
    • Middle section of bottom border of save dialog is missing/not visible.
    • For Sebillian 'Brute' Autopsy, the tooltip for 'Scaled Skin' is missing bottom border of bounding box.
    • Xenopedia entry for 'X-55 Phantom Interceptor' lists speed as '2520 Kph' while 'Aircraft Screen' says top speed is '4800 kph'. Is the difference with afterburner? Similar discrepancy exists for 'X-25'.
    • 'Armory' - 'Actuator Module' added to a 87 strength soldier with 116/117 carry weight results in soldier with 128/130 carry weight but with -11 TU penalty. A TU penalty seems to apply regardless of soldier strength. Why penalty if soldier isn't overweight with module added?
    • 'Base stores' - Infinite laser machineguns. [Previously reported bug by other user] 

    Tactical Combat:

    • Wraiths appear shimmering light blue. Autopsy says they are cloaked. Not very stealthy?
    • Soldiers in alien base control room must move each turn to reveal remaining aliens. Rest of map not revealed. Prefer didn't have to move and all map revealed.
    • Alien base control room floor can be seen and shot through. Is this right? Assaulting this room without getting anyone hurt/killed is...tedious and time consuming. The teleporters are too far from the door to reach upstairs with any TU left to do much. If anyone is left downstairs, the aliens just shoot down through the floor and kill someone. Smoke doesn't help. Even flashbanged, the aliens can still shoot on their turn.
    • Flashbangs destroy items on ground and captured aliens - Prefer they didn't.
    • I get flashes of red text in lower left corner of screen occasionally while playing. Looks like some sort of console interface.


    • 'Armory' soldier list was left aligned with soldier portrait/stats (OCD) and did not have to be scrolled with larger capacity dropships. There is available screen space above portrait and below list that could be utilized to extend list.
    • 'Armory' item lists' scroll position wouldn't reset when right-clicking items.
    • Mousewheel scroll on 'Select Loadout' was much faster.
    • Like 2
    • Description:  CtD after selling items in base stores then clicking 'Transfer Items'.
    • What Happened: Sold all alien plasma weapons at second base then clicked to switch to transfer items.
    • Reproduction: Load attached save. Select 'Base Stores' at either base. Click 'Transfer Items'.  I've been avoiding going from Transfer to Sell because that also crashes. Now it crashes in either direction.  Could be related to known infinite laser machinegun/sentry gun issue in items.

    auto_strategy_after_intercept-115.json output.log

    • Description:  CtD while loading Strategy Layer after alien base mission completion.
    • What Happened:  Attached log indicates:
    2023-01-11 00:45:30,422 [FATAL] (F:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.75.x\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:616) Exception in Unity lifecycle, marked as handled: IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. 
     System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,FullInspector.InspectedProperty].TryGetValue (System.String key, FullInspector.InspectedProperty& value) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:598)
    FullInspector.InspectedType.GetPropertyByName (System.String name) (at F:/Jenkins/workspace/X2 (Build)/release-0.75.x/Assets/Plugins/Xenonauts/FullInspector/FullInspector2/Core/Utility/InspectedType.cs:533)
    FullInspector.Internal.fiISerializedObjectUtility.RestoreState[FullSerializerSerializer] (ISerializedObject obj) (at F:/Jenkins/workspace/X2 (Build)/release-0.75.x/Assets/Plugins/Xenonauts/FullInspector/FullInspector2/Core/fiISerializedObjectUtility.cs:291)
    FullInspector.BaseBehavior`1[TSerializer].RestoreState () (at F:/Jenkins/workspace/X2 (Build)/release-0.75.x/Assets/Plugins/Xenonauts/FullInspector/FullInspector2/Core/BaseBehavior.cs:104)
    FullInspector.Internal.fiSerializationManager.DoDeserialize (ISerializedObject obj) (at F:/Jenkins/workspace/X2 (Build)/release-0.75.x/Assets/Plugins/Xenonauts/FullInspector/FullInspector2/Core/fiSerializationManager.cs:222)
    FullInspector.Internal.fiSerializationManager.OnUnityObjectDeserialize[FullSerializerSerializer] (ISerializedObject obj) (at F:/Jenkins/workspace/X2 (Build)/release-0.75.x/Assets/Plugins/Xenonauts/FullInspector/FullInspector2/Core/fiSerializationManager.cs:126)
    FullInspector.BaseBehavior`1[TSerializer].UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize () (at F:/Jenkins/workspace/X2 (Build)/release-0.75.x/Assets/Plugins/Xenonauts/FullInspector/FullInspector2/Core/BaseBehavior.cs:177)


  4. v25.3 Playtest Sitrep #3 [Veteran]

    Strategic Layer:

    • Multiple objectives partially overlap vertically. [Previously reported in bug thread by another user.]
    • I don't understand sentry guns - seem to be for base attack defense, but only sort of show up anywhere. I built one at starting base which showed up in 'Base Stores' but doesn't seem usable otherwise.  I then rebuilt one using 'Sentry Gun Rebuild' which speaks of a MARS Scout Platform which seems like a normal sentry gun?  I moved the rebuilt one to a second base and it appeared in the 'Armory' along with soldiers until I moved a dropship to the second base and now it just appears in 'Base Stores' like the first one.  
    • 'Skylance' torpedoes are called 'Avalanche' torpedoes' in 'Engineering' build list and description. Their tooltip and 'Aircraft' name them 'Skylance'.

    Tactical Combat:

    • Phantom Mantids, Sebillians, and Reapers appear where killed if died in crash, or after loading save, or after unconscious-ing.
    • Sebillian behavior not clear.  They heal while unconscious? They keep waking back up and have to be stunned over and over for a few turns and then seem to stop waking up. Will they eventually wake back up if enough turns pass?  I fear leaving the unconscious ones unattended.
    • Unfireable leftover heavy ammo with certain burst combinations annoying.



    • Would show what items are in transit and their transit time remaining.
    • Would show what items are reserved for projects.
    • Description:   Game CtD without error message clicking 'Sell Items' in 'Stores' from 'Transfer Items'.
    • What Happened:  Engineering cranked out a new Warden armor, so I applied it to a dropship assigned shield guy in 'Armory' who was wearing 'Defender Armor'.  I then reviewed everyone's armor.  Now having extra, I switched to 'Stores' and transferred the 'Defender Armor' to my second base.  Game CtD without a peep when I clicked 'Sell Items' from 'Transfer Items'. Game on restart won't load last manual save 103 prior to crash.  Next usable save was 102. 

    Update:  Reproducible loading save 'Warden Produced', apply 'Warden' to #1 shield guy, transfer 'Defender' now available in 'Base Stores' to Bravo base, and then click back to 'Sell Items'. 

    There is also loading weirdness during these restarts. Immediately after original crash the game would not recognize and load save '103' when highlighted - thumbnail was grayed out and 'Load Save' button disabled.  I had to load '102', then restarting after saving 'Warden Produced' and crashing it didn't recognize and load save 'Warden Produced'.  Restarting again it will load all three.

    Additional Info:

    • Changed all the soldiers to 'Tactical Vest' and had 8 'Defender' and 3 ' Warden' in 'Armory' armor list and 'Base Stores'. Still crashes after transferring 1 'Defender'.
    • Transferred new 'Warden' to second base instead of 'Defender' and still crashes if 'Sell Items' clicked after transferring.
    • Not armor specific. Crashes if 'Cleaner Operative' or 'Alloy' is transferred.
    • Not item transfer or base specific.  Selecting ' Transfer Items' and then 'Sell Items' without transferring anything crashes.  Can no longer return to 'Sell Items' after visiting 'Transfer Items'.
    • Sometimes restarting after crash, last save isn't loadable when selected. Screenshot attached.
    • Workaround is visiting 'Armory' or another area from 'Transfer Items' and then returning to 'Base Stores'.

    output.log output.log_1.054ed5af5f25ff463229cd99e1da7f00 resolve_layers.log output.log_2.3a8e1b9bf685a9a7447a79ffb83d1a85 output.log_3.c7bf1e6f34c4af634bec906b8768a6c8 output.log_4.cd1e25946e3fe22ba375c1fad451603c output.log_5.54fda6f814b6718bdf995f6bd9266a0c user_day_103_manual_save-138.json





    • Description:  Starting turn #2, trying to move any soldier in dropship anywhere (didn't check every possible tile) results in 'Unit cannot find path to target location'.
    • What Happened:  Playing normally on turn #1, killed 3 aliens; then alien turn finished killing 1 civilian I could see; on turn #2 killed 1 alien near assault in building, then tried to move dropship soldiers which could not pathfind anywhere. Soldiers external to dropship cannot pathfind into dropship.  Reloaded save and then restarted game to no effect.  Save attached.  Can aliens shoot through the windows on the dropship?  If not, it is like the dropship isn't there. Alien shot soldier in dropshop on turn #3.


  5. I'm currently on day 79 of 3rd campaign playthrough. In that time, I've encountered three or four instances of corrupt quick saves when they were made near to another event happening on the strategy layer.  The save file attached was made as I played around with the time to see if the dropship could reach a crash site in time. The save was made as the crash site disappeared.  The other corrupt instances happened when a research project finished, engineering project finished, or after ground mission report popped up coinciding with when I quick saved.  My storage device is an SSD.

    Edit: I don't know what is going on. The attached save hung the program when selected on the loading screen the first time I played the game today. Restarted game and it works. Also wasn't the save I thought it was.


    • Description:  "I was playing cleaner base mission and the game crashed to desktop when I moved shield guy at start of turn after shooting and killing a cleaner previous turn.
    • What Happened: The prior turn I moved a shield unit, pistol killed a cleaner with 1 aimed shot. Ended turn, next turn moved shield unit back to where he had been prior turns. He turned 180 to move and CtD.
    • Further information:
      • Reloading turn save did not reproduce.
      • Intel DQ35JO / Intel E8500 / 8 GB / Nividia GTX 560 Ti (v391.35) / Win7x64 / Crucial CT1000MX500 SSD

    crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt

  6. v25.2/25.3 PlayTest SitRep #2 [Veteran]



    - v25.3 First screen of new game intro text the word "intelligence" has an extra 'l'.

    - Warden Combat Armor dialog, the word "remarkable" is misspelled.

    - Choosing to 'View personnel' when scientists arrive goes to 'Manage Soldiers'.

    - At 'Manage Soldiers' the 'Training Capacity' tooltip speaks of 'Training Rate tooltip below'. The tooltip is written from the perspective of viewing it from 'Base Information', not from 'Manage Soldiers'.

    - Tooltip for Engineering 'Start Production' is for 'Begin Research Project'.

    Strategy Layer:

    - Hovering mouse over Iceland doesn't highlight the Europe region, but hovering over Europe region highlights Iceland.

    - Hovering mouse over New Zealand doesn't highlight the Asia Pacific region, but hovering over Asia Pacific region highlights New Zealand.

    - Hovering mouse over northern tip of North America doesn't highlight the North America region, but hovering over North America region highlights northern tip of North America.

    Air Combat:

    - 'Horizontal Line Frontal' graphic is half off left side of screen.

    Tactical Combat:

    - Destroyed turrets in Cleaner base don't appear destroyed after loading a save.

    - Many walls in Cleaner base can be seen through.

    - Pathing wierdness on abduction mission map. Soldiers won't use ladder on wall behind dropship and some tiles can't be moved to. See attached screenshots.


    - Way to tell if a target could be shot and shot path shown from where I want to move to. [edit: Found shift key] Corners seem to have a 45 degree angle of shootability around the corner. Why?

    - Camera would zoom out on shots that require scrolling to see target. Seeing the entire path of a sniper shot for instance is often iffy.

    - Audio would mute when 'Esc' game menu is active. Currently no way to quickly mute just game.

    - Have description of research project still visible while project is being researched.

    - Way to tell how long an aircraft will take to repair/repair rate.

    - Pressing 'i' while backpack open closes backpack.

    - Better explanation of training rate. The way the tooltip reads each attribute would raise by 4 each hour with initial training rate. Assuming 4 refers to internal counter units like Xenonauts 1 had. Don't understand.







    • Like 1
  7. When quicksaving, there is a brief "Saving..." text in the upper left corner that is splattered over the gear menu, etc. It is brief and not very noticeable being gray like all the other ui elements.  Until I noticed it, I wasn't sure it was saving.  When the save is finished a "Save successful" notification pops up in the middle of the screen.  If the notification could pop up saying "Saving...." and then change to "Save successful" when finished it would be more noticeable and in front of where I'm naturally looking most of the time.  Otherwise, I could also envision it doing "Saving...." somewhere it doesn't overlay other ui elements, down in the lower left near the objectives, for example, in a larger font with a contrasting color, but I think incorporating it into the notification popup and making the popup a bit larger is more elegant and visible.

  8. Observed Wierdness:

    UI Text:

    - Suggest changing new game intro text "A strong correlation emerges between reported these sightings..." to "... between these reported sightings..."

    - Tooltip for 'Save Game' button on save game dialog speaks of loading a game instead of saving a game.

    - Base building information capacities don't jive mathematically with base information capacities.

    e.g., Living quarter building information shows 15 capacity with +2 adjacency, yet starting base has two living quarters with adjacency and base information shows total of 24 capacity. 15+15+2=24?

    - Xenopedia entry for SkyHawk Dropship lists carrying capacity as 9 while the descriptive text says 8.

    - Strategic Objective tooltip for 'Prepare for the Alien Invasion' has grammer and spelling errors.

    - Tooltip for recruiting soldiers says transit time is 3 days. Once recruited, Manage Soldiers shows transit time as 2 days for recruited soldier.

    - 'Scientists in transit' tooltip has 'Engineers in base' title.

    - 'Hire x scientists' button has tooltip for 'Begin research project'

    - v25.2 Alpha Build Dialog: Clicking on yellow 'www.goldhawkinteractive.com' and Discord 'here' links don't launch browser.

    Air Combat:

    - 'Aircraft Afterburner' default key 'W' mapping same as 'Camera Up' mapping.



        - If the map is scrolled to be centered on a narrow range in the middle of Pacific Ocean the base placement radar range disappears for one half of the globe depending on which side of center the cursor is located.

    - Renaming a single in-flight aircraft from aircraft screen doesn't update their icon name on geoscape.



    - Loading of save games behaves like it has a memory leak. Repeatedly loading a save will eventually consume all of memory and result in swap file thrashing. Reproduce by creating a strategic layer save and repeatedly load it over and over. The Xenonauts process will eventually consume all of free memory and more resulting in paging.

    - The Xenonauts 2 store page on Steam list 4 GB memory as a minimum system requirement, so I tried 4 GB for giggles. While technically possible, it is an exercise in patience waiting for the swap drive to finish thrashing. Not very playable.  Exacerbated by above memory leak behavior.


    - Existing sort order on recruit dialog is reset when soldier is recruited.


    - Why is Osprey image used for Chinook SkyHawk?


    - Sorting personnel by status includes a secondary sort by loadout for each status.

    - "Saving..." message during Quicksave is incorporated into "Save successful" popup or otherwise moved somewhere it doesn't overlay other UI elements.

    - Pressing 'Enter' when entering save game name, saves and closes save dialog.

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