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Posts posted by Tiresais

  1. Dolf Schmidt was a veteran of 8 missions and 8 kills, a man of few words, he carried his Ballistic Machinegun as if it was the chubbiest new-born babies. Alas, whilst protecting the Algerian's right to take sea-side holidays via train, he was brutally riddled with bullets from an unseen grey-skinned red-shirted a-hole on the darkest of nights. The villain was later introduced to the finer points of a shotgun from two feet away.

    Good night sweet prince.

    (Share your stories!)

  2. You've not been around for the first big update after a Stable build before, have you? :D V19 Experimental wasn't very stable when it first arrived and that build didn't involve ripping out 80% of the UI screens in the game.

    The research bug only appears if you actually hire extra scientists, hence it didn't appear in our cursory play-through testing. The game also runs rather nicely on our machines when using our play-style. If it doesn't work with yours then report the bugs and we'll fix them. If it's a chore, wait for V20 Stable where it'll all be running as smoothly a well-oiled machine.

    @all - there's likely to be further patches this week to fix the larger bugs.

    I think you need some more pre-release testers then :( I love the game so far, but a little worried with the past two experimental releases. If it's really unstable you shouldn't really release it - there's nothing to learn if it breaks so easily. Betas aren't to find the obvious crashes but the less obvious ones.

  3. This is broken, really disappointed - not sure what there's to learn from a release so broken. Played 5 minutes and so far can't start new research projects (might be my own stupidity?) and already had two crashes. Definitely understand the experimental side will bring crashes, but really these crashes are so obvious that they should have been picked up with the most precursory play-through testing...

  4. On 3rd mission, first time I used an Autocannon scout vehicle to kill someone, Sebillion was facing in a NE direction and hit from a SE direction, all 5 shots fired but CTD when the third bullet hit him (before any sound/animation was played). Also, there was a wire-fence between us.

    Maybe if we all put in bullet points as many unique characteristics we can think of?

    Scout Autocannon


    Facing NE

    Shot from SE

    Wire Fence

    CTD on hit

  5. Hi all,

    Regardless of the resolution I pick, selecting "burst fire" is incredibly difficult (you seem to move the mouse around a bit until it lightens up). When burst fire is selected, it wouldn't let me shoot the alien, and the mouse became quite unresponsive afterwards. Wouldn't let me shoot with single-fire afterward with that trooper (would let me accidentally burst fire another soldier though :( ). Afterwards in the Geoscape the mouse also became difficult to register clicks.

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