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Posts posted by hudcrab

  1. I think this is a really cool idea. I agree, having the soldiers die is possibly a bit harsh - maybe just have them quarantined until you can research and manufacture a cure. There should then be a tech for creative a vaccine.

    This could also probably lead on to some sort of bioweaponry, perhaps - thus meaning it's not just an annoyance on a second playthrough but, in fact, a useful discovery.

  2. Sincere apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but are the plans for ground combat to feature multiple buildings with multiple stories? I seem to remember going the difficulty in climbing stairs then turning to face an alien on the upper level being a source of great tension in X-Com.

  3. I have to say, changing lab (as well as workshop, personel etc) backgrounds as you progress is one of those little touches that would be extremely rewarding - to help you feel a sense of progress. It needn't be overly complex or ambitious - just three or four backdrops per menu that change as you enter new 'eras' (a la civ)

  4. So I had my first play last night and really enjoyed it. I encountered one bug though -

    I accidentally sent an empty Chinook (one with no soldiers in it) out to a crash site and when it tried to load the mission the game crashed to desktop.

    As a UI suggestion; perhaps when you launch a Chinook the game should prompt you to load it, at least if it happens to be empty.

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