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Everything posted by MrFugg

  1. ok that is reassuring. I was afraid that destructible terrain may not be seen as an important feature and perhaps dropped alltogether sooner or later... But if i know it's coming in functional form eventually, i am happy to wait
  2. I have been testing different updated versions of this game for a long time and keep waiting for actual destructible terrain to come back. I read in other forums that the terrain basically IS destructible, only with an insane amount of hit points. On this basis I have tried destructing Trees, bushes rocks and wooden cabin walls, throwing grenades after grenades at them and pumping them full with all amo from every weapon I have. Nothing happens. So having "destructuble" terrain with more resilience than a standard nuclear bunker amounts to rather the same as having no destructible terrain at all. And not having destructible terrain is an absolute deal breaker for me...
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