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Posts posted by Templar_X

  1. Hellos! I need some help/advice

    I'm trying to use the Laser Sniper (Precision Laser) but no matter what I do the hit chance is lower than expected (lower than the laser rifle). I'm using my Xenonauts with better Accuracy, crouched or standing, but the hit chance of the Laser Sniper aimed shot is about on par with snap shot on Laser Rifle.
    Is there some game mechanic involved that could cause this?

    Example in attached image
    Xenonaut A - 80 Acc - Crouched - Rifle Snap - 36%
    Xenonaut B - 86 Acc - Standing - Sniper Aimed - 33%
    Xenonaut C - 85 Acc - Crouched -  Sniper Aimed - 43%

    Putting that aside, been enjoying the mod immensely. Thank you for creating it.

    PS: Using latest version (afaik) 1.00.10, no other mods

    PPS: I think I figured it out, on the following turn Hit Chance was in line with what I expected. I looked better at the weapon stats and behold, snipers are heavy weapons, which take a large aim penalty if you move and shoot in the same turn. I had totally forgotten about this mechanic.


    Xenonauts - X-Division - Aim - Edited.jpg

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