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wulf 21

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Posts posted by wulf 21

  1. I just now noticed that I was a little blind there, too in the question in my Post. It says right there in the release announcement section in the thread for the close beta 1.2 release



    Strategy - you can press F5 to quicksave, which will now generate a notification when complete. F9 will quickload the last save (even if not a quicksave). This only works on strategy, as saving in combat is not yet supported. 

    So basically yes, it is not yet implemented, but probably the "SAVE GAME" button should be greyed out to make it absolutely clear that the feature simply does not yet exist.

  2. If the crash is not reproducable, you can probably help the devs finding the cause by posting the C:\Users\<your windows username>\Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2\Logs\output.log here. There should be found an entry containing [FATAL] (with the square brackets) at the time the crash happened. Sometimes something random happens that crashes the game (like in my burst fire crash thread, first mission played fine, suddenly first shot in second mission was crashing the game).

  3. I tried around with known Hotkeys from Xenonauts one and found a bug. Screenshot doesn't really add any info, I could take a video but I don't think it's worth the effort as it should be reproducable with following instructions:

    1. Click any time warp value in Geoscape (for example 2 arrows)
    2. Press space. Result: As expected, time flow goes back to real time. However the time warp button clicked in step 1. stays highlighted as well as the 1-arrow-button. (Expected: Only 1-arrow-button for real-time should be highlighted)
    3. Press space again. Result: Nothing happens. (Expected: time flow should go back to the time warp clicked in step 1. and only time warp highlighted)

    Just minor issue, so low priority for fixing unless it can be done really easily.


  4. I already noticed that, too, however didn't report it as I assumed that save during ground combat is just a not yet implemented feature. Is there maybe somewhere a list of missing features somewhere? For example I noticed that the buttons for saving/loading default loadouts of soldier in armory do nothing, too and I am assuming the same thing, just not yet implemented.


    Btw.: I understand the bug formatting instructions so that we should categorize each Bug in just one of 4 main categories: Ground Combat / Air Combat / Geoscape / General. It doesn't make much sense to invent new category for each new bug report, e.g. the category for this should be Ground Combat.

  5. Now this is kind of funny. I did notice one of the points in this post (switching between shotgun and something else removes 10 TUs, switching back to shotgut adds them again.)

    Now look at the following screens after completing the second mission.

    On first screen you will see that HENRY POWELL  should have gained just 2 TUs. On second screen, you see that he now has 90 TUs in armory. In last post I wrote he had 68 TUs.

    So 68 + 2 + 20 = 90

    I think this means we have a combination of 3 effects:

    1. +10 TU just for having the shotgun in Inventory
    2. +10 TU if shotgun is selected
    3. If the mission ends with shotgun in inventory and selected, permanent gain additional max TU in sum of whole shotgun bonus (+20)

    So, don't know if each of these effects should be looked at seperately (so they don't appear again in some form in the future) - maybe just removing the shotgun TU bonus will get rid of all 3 of them.

    Save: http://www.mediafire.com/file/pm3s6v40871ifuy/after_second_battle.json




    Armory after second mission:


  6. Hello,

    I did notice this, too after first mission. The TU in the Soldiers Tab is not equal to the TUs within the mission (I have all soldier equipment so I don't get a TU penalty from weight)

    You already explained the low TU in the Soldier Tab, maybe this savefile will enable looking at how some soldiers get such high TU though.

    Following TUs in the save are very high after just one battle:

    Soldier Name - TUs in Geoscape Soldier Tab - TUs in armory (should be correct) - Ground Battle TUs

    JOHN EALES - 50 - 75 - 95
    HENRY POWELL - 5 - 68 - 88

    Both carry exactly one shotgun. There is no additional shotgun in the backpack. The numbers almost look like there really is a +20 TU bonus - maybe this bonus somehow builds up over time (shotgun getting +10 bonus the first time it was used, +20 next mission etc?)

    Savefile: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ddk0co8z5ci8d1c/auto_save_0006.json/file


    Soldier Tab










    PS: I can still not upload new files to forum and get error immediately, so I uploaded them to mediafire.

  7. Hmm,

    on trying to reproduce it, I found something that might be related:

    For me, the quantity was not changing at at all when I clicked the corresponding buttons after having queued profitable goods first, then laser rifle. It would update the quantity number display only after switching to Geoscape (not to any other tab which makes not time run forward). It can actually be seen in the video I took that the number updates the same moment Geoscape is clicked (before tab is switched)

    Difference in behaviour might simply be because in the save file does not contain any money to buy more laser rifles however.

    Savefile: http://www.mediafire.com/file/p4pm2sm1v2b0583/test2.json/file



  8. Not sure if it's reproducable (probably depends on exact random number generator result), but anyhow, that's what I did:

    Second gound engagement, right from the start an alien was an alien in plain sight near the lower right corner

    1. kneeled with a rifleman (not sure why I did it though as I know it doesn't get me an accuracy bonus in X2)
    2. right clicked until burst fire was selected
    3. clicked the alien

    If I read the Log correctly, it shows that the first 2 shots were supposed to go off the playing field, the 3rd to hit an environment tile, after that it somehow fails to find the target point where the Human targeting animation should point the gun:

    2018-12-03 22:48:22,358 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:540) 
    Projectile TrajectoryMissOffBoard (rolled 44% (<= is success) against 21.6%) on -1 from (23.1, 1.2, 8.1) to (0.0, 2.4, 10.2) ([F:1, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:1, Z:10], ID:19221 Type:Corner), impacted at: [F:1, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:1, Z:10], ID:19221 Type:Corner
    2018-12-03 22:48:22,362 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:540) 
    Projectile TrajectoryMissOffBoard (rolled 56% (<= is success) against 21.6%) on -1 from (23.1, 1.2, 8.1) to (0.0, 1.5, 9.9) ([F:0, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:0, Z:10], ID:2580 Type:Corner), impacted at: [F:0, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:0, Z:10], ID:2580 Type:Corner
    2018-12-03 22:48:22,365 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:540) 
    Projectile TrajectoryHit (rolled 31% (<= is success) against 21.6%) on 3904 from (23.1, 1.2, 8.1) to (2.4, 0.0, 6.7) ([F:0, I:5, J:13] / [X:2, Y:0, Z:6], ID:1682 Type:Centre), impacted at: [F:0, I:29, J:15] / [X:14, Y:0, Z:7], ID:1964 Type:Centre
    2018-12-03 22:48:22,408 [FATAL] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:439) 
    A fatal error occurred during Update() - 
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:get_transform ()
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Scripts.AIkControl.get_Target () [0x0003e] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Scripts\Ik\AIkControl.cs:19 
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Scripts.HumanIkControl.StartAiming (Vector3 targetPos, Single timeAvailable) [0x00002] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Scripts\Ik\HumanIkControl.cs:180 
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.IkSystem.StartTargeting (Artitas.Entity comb, Common.Components.IkShootTargetComponent ikTarget) [0x00067] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\Rendering\IkSystem.cs:79 
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.IkSystem.TargetChanged (Artitas.Entity comb, Common.Components.IkShootTargetComponent oldComponent, Common.Components.IkShootTargetComponent newComponent) [0x0000b] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\Rendering\IkSystem.cs:60 

    Attached the complete content of Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2 (saves, logs)

    ... at least I tried to, forum keeps showing me "There was a problem processing the uploaded file. -200 ". Will try again after submitting the new Topic.


    edit: It somehow won't let me upload any files to the forum today, uploaded it to mediafire instead: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j6mh6y6hql0u64h/Xenonauts2.zip/file

  9. Just wanted to drop in, to remark that crash even happens if the shield is looking correct by carrying pistol at secondary weapon. Unfortunately I do not have a savegame, however it can be seen in attached logfile at 2018-12-03 20:56:37,528 that trying to do damage to the shield and displaying the hitpoint loss makes the game crash:


    2018-12-03 20:56:37,523 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\World.cs:594) 
    Queued global::Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Events.StatChangeReport: StatChangeReport (T:GlobalEntity 4741 Item - Name:Combat Shield, D:-15, DT:DamageType:default Q:HitPoint, C:Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Abilities.SingleTargetDamage
    2018-12-03 20:56:37,528 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:833) 
    2018-12-03 20:56:37,533 [FATAL] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:439) 
    A fatal error occurred during Update() - 
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at Common.Components.GameObjectComponent.op_Implicit (Common.Components.GameObjectComponent component) [0x00001] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Components\GameObjectComponent.cs:109 
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.EntityMessageTickerSystem.ShowMessageTickerInStack (Artitas.Entity target, System.String text) [0x00069] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\EntityMessageTickerSystem.cs:134 
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.EntityMessageTickerSystem.ShowDamageTickerHitPoint (Artitas.Entity target, Single damage) [0x0005e] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\EntityMessageTickerSystem.cs:91 
      at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.EntityMessageTickerSystem.ShowDamageTicker (Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Events.StatChangeReport report) [0x0001a] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\EntityMessageTickerSystem.cs:46 
      at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.Action`2<Xenonauts.GroundCombat.EntityMessageTickerSystem, Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Events.StatChangeReport>:invoke_void__this___EntityMessageTickerSystem_StatChangeReport (Xenonauts.GroundCombat.EntityMessageTickerSystem,Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Events.StatChangeReport)
      at Artitas.Core.Utils.ExpressionUtil+<ActionFromMethodInfoFactory>c__AnonStorey1`4[Artitas.Systems.EventSystem,Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Events.StatChangeReport,Xenonauts.GroundCombat.EntityMessageTickerSystem,Artitas.IEvent].<>m__0 (Artitas.Systems.EventSystem target, IEvent param) [0x0001c] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\Utils\ExpressionUtil.cs:151 
      at Artitas.Systems.EventSystem.HandleSubscribers (IEvent event) [0x00050] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\Systems\EventSystem.cs:49 
      at Artitas.Systems.EventSystem.Handle (IEvent event) [0x00003] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\Systems\EventSystem.cs:26 
      at Artitas.DefaultProcessStrategy.Process (IEvent event) [0x001c6] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\World.cs:808 
      at Artitas.DefaultProcessStrategy.Process () [0x00024] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\World.cs:751 
      at Artitas.World.Process () [0x00007] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Artitas\Artitas.Core\Code\World.cs:621 
      at Common.Screens.DataStructures.WorldManagedScreen`2[Xenonauts.GameScreens,Common.Screens.DataStructures.IScreenParameters].Update (Single deltaTime) [0x00032] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Screen\DataStructures\WorldManagedScreen.cs:49 
      at Common.Screens.ScreenManager`1[Xenonauts.GameScreens].Update (Single deltaTime) [0x000f3] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Screen\ScreenManager.cs:149 
      at Xenonauts.XenonautsMain.Update () [0x00066] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:436 



  10. Hi,

    I originally didn't plan to start a new thead as I just had a small idea, but since the main discussion thread of the inventory system is closed:

    If you replace the primary or secondary weapon in the soldier inventory, it should automatically replace all the ammunition on the belt that had the appropriate type for the replaced weapon with the ammo type for the new one.

    Actually, it isn't my idea: The original Operation Flashpoint had a slot-based inventory system that I found surprisingly similar to the one in Xenonauts and it had this auto-replacement logic. But I always found this logic that intuitive and obvious, that I in fact always wondered why Xenonauts 1 did not already have it.

  11. Hi,

    I randomly found following way to crash the game:

    Exact way I did produce the crash (probably can be done with fewer steps):

    1. Start the game clean
    2. new game
    3. make a new savegame in menu (I called it test)
    4. exit and start the game again
    5. Hit continue-Button--> Game goes to GeoScape
    6. Hit F9

    Result: Game displays loading screen for some seconds, then crashes. I immediately assumed the game does not check if the savefile actually exists before attempting to load it, which is confirmed by the output.log:

    2018-12-03 19:40:56,328 [FATAL] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:511) 
    Common.Content.Managers.ContentRuntimeException: Failed to load. The following assets are missing:
    FileSystem::C:/Users/Student/Documents/My Games/Xenonauts 2/Saves/quick/quick_save.json
      at Common.Screens.DataStructures.LoadScreen`2[Xenonauts.GameScreens,Common.Screens.DataStructures.IScreenParameters].AssertAssetsExists (IEnumerable`1 descriptors) [0x0009e] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Screen\DataStructures\LoadScreen.cs:272 
      at Common.Screens.DataStructures.LoadScreen`2[Xenonauts.GameScreens,Common.Screens.DataStructures.IScreenParameters].CheckLoading () [0x000c3] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Screen\DataStructures\LoadScreen.cs:209 
      at Common.Screens.DataStructures.LoadScreen`2[Xenonauts.GameScreens,Common.Screens.DataStructures.IScreenParameters].Update (Single deltaTime) [0x00003] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Screen\DataStructures\LoadScreen.cs:83 
      at Xenonauts.XenonautsLoadingScreen.Update (Single deltaTime) [0x00003] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\Loading\XenonautsLoadingScreen.cs:28 
      at Common.Screens.ScreenManager`1[Xenonauts.GameScreens].Update (Single deltaTime) [0x000f3] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Libraries\Common\Code\Screen\ScreenManager.cs:149 
      at Xenonauts.XenonautsMain.Update () [0x00066] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:436 

    Attached complete content of the Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2 dir after that (countains the log and the savegame.

    Xenonauts 2.rar

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