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Posts posted by XenoMask

  1. In this game, if I want to play Classic [not even Ironman] then there is only one way to go - Satellite Links, Engineers, Satellite, Satellite, SATELLITE !!! ASAP !!!

    If I choose to do anything else then I'm doomed for all eternity. Even if I'm Kratos and I powned any and all of my enemies in all missions without even losing once.

    Enlighten me how the original force me to be like that.

    Btw, I forgot I said I won't be mentioned EU here again. Sorry, just planned to answer you since you did call me out. I will let the others take it from here then...

    Umm, but that didn't answer my question: What original DIDN'T force you to do? I mean, you could reach end goals in what multiple ways? You could make what multiple decisions? What facilities it didn't force you to build?(Also, no, you aren't forced to built satellite uplinks, but it helps and is kind of common sense :P)

    Also it didn't answer what you would have preferred to XCOM: EU to do instead? Not have satellites? You are complaining about what it had and claiming that original is better without going into details. Satellites are just this game's version of radar coverage.... From my point of view, you could as well say that XCOM: EU and original game sucks because you are forced to research in order to win the game.

  2. Yeah, but this game isn't original XCOM :P Besides that game got tons less frustrating on my second playthrough when I stopped save scumming.

    Also, if you ask me, whole point of ironman is that it makes game more strategic because you have to deal with bad rolls.(lots of people probably save scummed in original game because they felt computer was cheap somehow =P Thats not dealing with bad rolls, its ignoring bad rolls and rolling again. Whats point of board games if you just roll again until you get what you want?) Blaming it on system instead of your own decision annoys me. I blame myself when I lose, not that sectoids got lucky crit as I should have done it so that they wouldn't have won even if they got lucky crit.

    Impossible can probably be beaten too if you have godly skills, but I was talking about classic ironman. If you want to beat impossible then you probably have to save scum even though its possible if you get lucky or are good enough. Still, since enemy stats are buffed even higher, its get harder to win battles early on and you aren't allowed to lose if you want to have chance of beating impossible.

  3. Play game on ironman :P Save scum is cheating. Like I said, things affected by luck can be managed, don't want lucky crits to kill your soldiers? Use the darn hunker down if your soldier doesn't have good shot. Will level too low, unit panic happens too often? Have units spread out to prevent friendly fire. Berserkers at close range? Keep few units with you that can deal with them. Two sectopods? Same. Crap ton of chrysalids? Have a shiv.

    ...Actually, never, mind, you can solve TONS of those with shivs.

    Shivs do ton of damage, are good scouts, have good health, can work as mobile cover, can suppress, have nice ammo capacity, cannot panic, cannot be mind controlled, cannot be turned into zombies.

    Shivs are actually reason I did win that playthrough on classic that I won :P They are much more useful that you would think. Which is one reason why people have hard time with game... Shivs make terror missions with chrysalids ton more easier too. So yeah, get a shiv or two.'

    (Also, game is still hard even if you think its because of randomness and not because that you can't adapt, by that logic Nethack is easy game if you remove permadeath and random causes of deaths by drinking potions and such)

  4. Oh yeah, forgot about squad panic...

    Thing is, usually when it happens to me they shoot aliens. Thats because when the panic decides its time to shoot something, they pic random target from line of sight. So if panicking soldier that shoots sees only your soldiers... Yeah. And reverse if soldier sees only enemy units.

    So yeah, its another thing that CAN be managed(best way sadly being having nobody die, but even then higher rank units don't panic as easily. Still, it can be managed if you somehow can make your units see more enemy units than your units or keep your units far away from each other so they aren't in each other's line of sight while still being able to support each other) if you know how but it can screw it up if it does happen on bad timing because unit's turn gets wasted.

  5. Impossible isn't balanced to be beatable by devs if we believe them, though it can be beaten :P While tactics phase is harder, its panic level management that is bigger pain.

    Anyway, one thing I admit that I find little frustrating about the game on ironman is that if you lose, you can lose whole game just because you lost once depending on what mission you lost and which units died. Like if your best units died and you have only rookies left or if it was terror mission or abduction mission in point where you picked country based on panic level of continent. Of course, you can still salvage game after that, but its very hard after that. Of course, thats how most strategy games i've played work like, if I lose then I start lose even badly =/ Heck, even original game can be like that to me at least from my non save scum playthrough it seems...

  6. Hmm, I wouldn't really say its luck based as luck does help but you can win it if you are good enough. But of course, some people are like "What, no, thats bullcrap, I can't lose because of luck, I need to lose because I'm not good enough" which is kind of dumb in my opinion, especially since you can still beat this game if you are good enough.

    Besides, it seems like some people's idea of difficulty doesn't really make sense. You lose, game is too hard, you win, game is too easy. So game would somehow have to allow you to win without feeling "too hard".

  7. Cyberdiscs suck when you fail to kill them though :P Mainly because they do crap ton of damage.

    Anyway, you are either great at this sort of games or uber lucky ._. But yeah, game does get easier when you get better gear though you can still lose soldiers if you make mistake. I'd recommend you to try out classic ironman to see if thats any harder for you.

  8. So wait, you are having harder time because there are less enemies per map on normal you get less loot and are unable to adapt to it? ._. And you found tactics on classic easy?

    Thats kind of bizarre considering how many people are like "Normal is too easy and enemies have bullcrap aiming abilities on classic" :P Then again, I'm pleased actually because I think people are just whining and not used to RNG. Seriously, does nobody here play games with RNG?...

  9. I would ask about playing on ironman, but you are saying you are oddly finding game harder on lower difficulty? O_o Or did I understand right?

    Anyway, most people seem to find game too hard on classic so... *shrugs* Beats me :P I find it hard but fair. So yeah, play on ironman?

    Anyway, yeah, there is bug that mind controlled units don't have their weapons explode. On reverse, if you kill your unit that is mind controlled by enemy, their equipment explodes :P

  10. From gameplay perspective, you could say same about platformer games in situations where you can't jump high enough :P Which is why I consider that to be example of stuff where game is restrictive compared to original. But yeah, thats dumb since the explanation is "lack of resources" but I'm not myself really bothered by that even though its dumb.

    (And That's XCOM, Baby! refers to situations where RNG screws over you)

  11. I wasn't bragging really, I just meant to say that its possible =/ On that run I got lucky because one 1) It was another tutorial run(I sometimes enable tutorial because I want to try to make tutorial heavy to survive whole game and because it makes first month easier) 2) I got lucky and got world where starting panic level after tutorial ended up being at 1 or 2 AND steam near first access lift. 3) I got lucky in many things. Like that I got in situation where I could capture sectoid and thinman in same mission, thats really fricking hard... I also got lucky enough that my first terror mission was of the "Two chrysalids near your spawn, able to kill them before civilians can be zombified" and otherwise enough easy missions for me to able get better gear to be able to keep up with aliens getting harder.

    But yeah, sorry....

  12. Okay, but you said you are afraid of the world more than aliens? I thought that was supposed to mean you had more problems with panic than actual aliens. Besides, I didn't say said that YOU have complained difficulty, I said that "people" have. Its rather common thread in 2k and I've seen it few times here too where people complain about playing game "perfectly" yet still losing due to panic, in which case they assume fault is with game instead of themselves.

    Also, what great ability? .-. I don't have great abilities in anything, heck, I have self esteem low as its possible to be without being suicidal. Besides, I did say that game does require luck and skill, I'm not skillful enough to beat it without major luck early on as game is type of game that gets easier if you are able to get pass beginning...

    Also when i said that you are going to rage about aliens' purpose, I meant that its really really confusing exposition that can be understood in multiple ways which some people find lame. Heck, I'm still pretty confused about it.

  13. I don't really think its "restrictive" except unless you compare it directly to original, but yeah, it is random. I've compared it few time to roguelikes.

    Why? Because 1) Your starting conditions can heavily change your odds, for example whether you have easy access to steam in base or whether your world spawns with less panic levels.(or whether your first mission allows you to reduce panic of those panic 3 countries) 2) Missions themselves. Getting terror mission with chrysalids too early on can be painful especially if you are unable to kill those two(note: Early terror mission only seem to have two of them at beginning on first) and they manage to zombify(btw, chrysalids seem to have chance of whether they succeed in creating zombies) lots of civilians. 3) UFOs. Its kind of useful if you can get elerium from smaller ufos earlier than sooner, especially since early on large ufos can be too hard. But yeah, ufo landing and crashing missions are rare early on when you have little satellite coverage as its mainly up to luck early on. 4) In tactics lucky crits, this shouldn't really be problem if you are good at risk managing, like using hunker down when you know to and such. Of course there are still bad luck with getting into fight with 9 enemies at same time even if that seems to be rather rare...

    But yeah, game is ultimately about risk management and maximizing your chances. You are playing it wrong if you are trying to kill enemies with 50% shots even if that can work well sometimes. Either way, I think its good thing that its game you can actually lost just because things didn't go as planned, that in my opinion brings greater meaning to victories when you really have chance of losing.

    @Shuchi Niwa: Just to say something, I managed to beat classic with only having lost china because of bad luck. Panic management is completely possible when you know how to :P I say this because too many people don't realize that its possible, they just think game is bullcrapping on them.(though yeah, you have really hard time recovering if you lose abduction mission at bad time though it IS possible to recover. It just makes things further risky, I've learned from losing china by satellite getting shot down that it might be good idea to have spare satellites at time even though they are so expensive...)

    Anyway, I wonder what you'll reaction will be when you find out what goal of the aliens actually is. Probably gonna get more rage xD Since you are delaying final mission anyway, can't you just get blaster launcher from battleship?

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