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Posts posted by XenoMask

  1. Older playerbase and more mature player base isn't really accurate in my opinion :P And assuming that everyone would use pcs instead, it would be even less untrue since wouldn't you want the teens to swarm COD instead of every other community?

    (Also emulators are illegal and console games work better on consoles. And what is higher skill ceiling supposed to mean? And free online? There are other few things on that list that don't really make sense)

  2. You can just choose to not use it and keep your sense of immersion.

    Some of us give no care about 'immersion' in what's really a soft-scifi, abstracted game that isn't realistic. Thing is we can't change the country, gender or face anyway.

    If you make it one bit, you'd need to allow quotation marks and increase the character limit. So you have "Joker" Bob Smith instead of Joker Bob Smith.

    I know, hence why I don't use it. Doesn't change the fact that I find option of it silly. I'd like it better if we were allowed to create a soldier when recruiting them.

  3. Stop stating your opinion as facts :P And write correctly, I know that I speak Engrish at times, but its not my native language so I at least I have excuse. And at least I still put correct letters as capital. Also, you are swearing too much, thats rude.

    Also, you are saying that you can't miss "106%" in original game? How is that nothing to do with your mistakes? :P(yeah, I consider reloading when you lose because of one in hundred chance to be stupid too unless its part of mechanics like in Fire Emblem were for "100%" run you want to keep all your units alive and since game has autosave, you do that by restarting whole chapter when someone dies whether it was luck or stupid mistake. Though really, you SHOULDN'T lose them by luck if you actually play it well) Also what tactical or strategy games have you played in fact?

    Just to be clear, I'm annoyed comments about RNG since I consider those to be insult to every darn game in the world that has RNG.

  4. Hmm, ok.

    But yeah, bases seem to be for protecting funding nations, but since ultimately funding nations aren't important for winning the game you don't actually need to protect them...*sigh* I kind of wish original game would have been advanced enough that aliens really would have played their own game with their mission and stuff instead of it just being penalty score =/ Oh well, at least game allows for rping.

  5. Okay, so what do other bases help when it turns out that you can keep up with score just by doing missions without getting more radar coverage and can just research everything in main base?

    Eh, thats like saying that using blaster launchers only is major way to complete game. Its ability/weapon/item, just like every other researchable thing that you can help soldiers.

  6. (Its Nintendo owned series of Japanese Strategy RPGs. Main things being that each unit is unique with their own personality and game has permadeath)

    No need to apologize, I sometimes also make mistake of wording my statements incorrectly and not really rarely even xD

    Anyway, I honestly believe that Firaxis stuff that worked on this game are fans of the XCOM and thought changes were for better, but I don't really expect everyone to agree with that.(I myself don't really care as I judge game on its own really) But I tend to get defensive when people talk bad about devs(of any game, well, except some games that everyone agrees to be horrible or are known to be cash ons) in general because I'm interested in video game developing and I'm aware that its not as easy as what people make it sound to be so I can get rather... Err, you know.

  7. Hm, okay .-. I do agree that XCOM: EU goes for action figure style wise whats with toy box comparisons by devs about multiplayer and antfarm and such, but original game is still cartoony no matter how you put it. Design and aesthetic wise, it has nothing to do with bright colors.

    ... http://www.khairul-syahir.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/crysis-real-life-comparison.jpg?c28902 This is Crysis.

    Crysis has so high maximum graphics that most computers can't run them on highest settings. To the point that there was minor meme about "But can it run Crysis?"

    It has so high graphics that most games don't even bother because majority can't even play on those settings.. Too expensive for whats ultimately unneeded.

    In otherword, no, they don't have better graphics than Crysis' on max settings.

  8. @Par'Gellen: Firaxis xcom's strategical, intercepting and tactics phase went multiple redoes during its course. At beginning it was basically original game in 3d, later at some point they were disappointed with changes they did to strategical phase so they started it from scratch and so on. I don't remember what other incepting ideas they had, but yeah, one of ideas was the flight sim one if I recall right.(strategical layer ideas involved what basically is card game at some point and at another point what was essentially a territory control game but they figured out that even though it was fun it wasn't xcom)

    Main reason why TU were removed was apparently that it didn't work well with class system and perks, probably because it gave it even more number crunching because of special abilities and such.

    Speaking of news, it'd be nice if Xenonauts would be able to do something with its' news system... But I doubt that since news have same purpose as in XCOM: EU.

    Anyway, just checking, would you like games with classes that have system like what Fire Emblem does?

    Anyway, can't comment on anything else really since like I said, its matter of taste. As long you don't state your opinions as definite facts, I don't really have anything to say since opinions are opinions xD

    @HWP: Okay, let me fix that then: You can complete game with one base resulting in that multiple bases are actually useless as their main purpose is being back up "lives" in case your base gets blown up :P

    I define save scumming as reloading save until desired result is gotten. And I find it trouble some since some games are really changed when you save scum to make "perfect" game =/ For example, save scummed XCOM plays differently from non save scummed XCOM.

    It was big enough deal that Xenonauts' team made psionics alien only. And in Apocalypse they nerfed it badly.

    Hmm, yeah, but I still like XCOM: EU's take on it better as it makes funding nations actually important. Still, I guess alternate path where it breaks independent would have been nice. It certainly was fun in Apocalypse xD

  9. Are you talking to me or console gamers because there aren't any console elitists here .-. In fact that doesn't even answer to my point, I commented on how PC strategy elitists complain about dumb console gamers and fps players when in fact quite lots of fps players are pc elitists themselves because mouse movement makes aiming faster and more fluid than analog sticks...

    ^Drunken rampage? :P

  10. I was not comparing it to the original as I stated at the beginning of my post.

    Ah, sorry about that. Well, my opinion still stands since I find nothing wrong with it ^_^;

    @King Burgundy: Hmm, yeah, its interesting, starting locations aren't that distinct and Second Wave options aren't in game yet at least, yet I started new playthrough almost immediately after completing the game. I guess shorter length of game makes it easier since original game is rather long marathon(even ignoring that some part of game is just padding in order to get all research done) so starting new playthrough is really huge time investment if you want to complete it without doing anything else?*shrugs*

  11. Umm, serious? I meant type of cartoony artstyle :P They don't have looney tunes style of cartoony do they? You are being really confusing sir. I think what? I wasn't referring to "serious" cartoons, I was referring to cartoons where artstyle isn't like art style of Looney Tunes. Maybe I should have added ghost busters(not movie, the cartoon) too now that I think of it... Anyway, I'm confused and my feelings are hurt because I don't understand why you are laughing at me =P

    (also, on side note, Captain Planet is crappy enviromental kids' cartoon, but technically power of heart is actually rather useful power since it seems to involve mind reading and controlling animals. Its just that writers of show were too stupid to realize what you can do with that kind of power :P)

    Anyway, yeah, reason for Star Trek aliens looking human in story is handwaving and doesn't solve the fact that its looks cheap because it is cheap as its easy way to make more aliens when plot demands so :P

  12. @HWP: And how is that different from current game? I mean, one base plus radar bases is still multiple bases :P You can't complete game with only one base even if other ones are useless except for one purpose.

    I think saves are legit, but save scumming isn't. Except in type of games like rpgs which have moments that you can fail by chance and never get chance again without starting new playthrough, though I think ironman for those would be interesting as it would be truly roleplaying.

    Yeah, psionics were game breaker :P Wouldn't really call it third approach though.

    Hmm, either way its bit silly as why would be XCOM be able to do that when its government program basically?

    Yeah, but really getting to mars that early is gaming the system. No point doing that besides that you can since fun part is researching everything, by doing that oversight you just ignore everything about the game.

    @Par'Gellen: On my playthrough I discovered that UFOs eventually become common when you have enough satellite coverage, but yeah, on early game they are really rare. But how is that no apparent goal except score down different from original game?

    (and yeah, they could have improved on it, but they decided to not make it flight sim because it would be 5 minute minigame that would prevent some people getting into fan part. Which is actually what I'm complaining about Xenonauts' system, its boring compared to actual tactical combat at the moment)

    Isn't only strategic base layout choice in original game about putting living rooms near entrance/hangars because aliens spawn there? I never really cared about base layout in original since I was filling it for fun anyway.

    On soldiers, eh, I like current system but this is taste system anyway. If you don't like class based tactical games then i guess you won't like this game either.

    I personally like panic system though I do agree that three/two abduction at time thing is rather artificial. Its not really timer anymore though after you have good interceptors and satellite everywhere, after that it stops being a thing really. Personally though I love little news bits in situation room.

    BTW, on XCOM: EU's intercepting: Bizarre thing that I realized is that basic interceptors can take down EVERY UFO type other than overseer and battleship. Provided you give them better weapons. So since battleships seem to appear to scan for satellites, as interceptors and aircraft weapon aren't that expensive, its not actually hard to protect your satellites. There is that though that corpse aircraft boost items help a lot with stronger ufos if you want to minimize risks, but its surprisingly manageable O_o; I mean they are so frail that you would assume that close range lasers and phoenix canon would make them worse, but no....

  13. Umm, what the heck are you thinking about when you are thinking about "cartoonish"? Looney Tunes? Mickey Mouse? Because I'm referring to stuff like GI Joe, Transformers, Captain Planet, Thundercats or even He Man. Though preferably stuff from 90s... Anyway, campy and cartoonish are different things and original game is definitely cartoonish. Why are you so insist on that it isn't anyway?

    Umm, Skyrim, Mass Effect and Human Revolution don't have photorealistic graphics. Like I said, your perception seems to be that modern games have Crysis' level of graphics which isn't true. Heck, Human Revolution had complains about that by some people... Anyway, I'd say that XCOM is on part with those three.

    Xenonauts' artstyle does remind me little of old propaganda posters when I think about it... Its realistic style, but still.

  14. Yeah, Star Trek's aliens are silly too, whats with majority of them being humans with rubber foreheads if even that(wasn't there space hippies?) :P And you consider original's intro to be less cheesy than new game?

    ....They are both about same level of cartoony(just style of cartoon from different eras, compare old GI Joe to GI Joe cartoons from 21th century), though new game's cheesiness is b action movie cheesy while original is GI Joe cheesy if GI Joe had casualties.

    Trust me, you are bit biased here :P I don't really blame you since I'm biased towards Apocalypse, but still people tend to remember things from their childhood in rose tinted way, or in this case really gritty way. Game does have tone of horror, but its aesthetically very cheesy. Its not realistic, its cartoony and yes it still can be bloody and tense in horror way despite being cartoony. I can understand that if you have played game as very young it does have struck out as "non cartoony" because of its atmosphere, but that doesn't change facts about its aesthetics.

  15. We seem to have different definitions of "multiple ways" :P Either way, you still need to prevent aliens lowering your score too low and have arms race. Heck, you can apply different tactics to on that only way on new game too, but of course you won't care about that.

    BTW, you can beat game with one base assuming you can survive base attacks or get far enough for them not to be issue because of defenses? Wow, so aliens doing missions to lower your score offscreen IS pointless.

    Uber team vs quantity over quality? Umm, unless you save scum, you aren't going to have full uber team. besides, quantity over quality doesn't help much if you just send red shirts through door.

    Full support of world is practically impossible and I think surviving on commercial production might have been unintentional in original game. Either way, fact you could do that made funding nations pointless.

    High speed run vs slow and steady? what is that supposed to mean? Using tricks to beat game in 18 minutes? Buildings lots of labs to have 200 researchers research everything? Pace you advance maps?

  16. @HWP: Umm, you did see intro right? Cheesy tone of it and ending? :P Flattops which looks like guile hair? Ghost buster jumpsuits? Purple men in green leotards? Greys? Mysterious cloak aliens? Snakemen? Xenomorph with smile? Alien brain with multiple eyes and goofy big NO moment with its monitor when its shot in ending slideshow? Miniguns and big ass canons and rocket launchers? Skin tight muscle suit armor? Mini flying saucer scout? Silly goofy looking purple caped aliens with stomach open and having metallic gravity dwelling ball there? Multi armed mutant humans on game over screen?

    Are you sure that we played same game? Fricking box advertised it as having "Manga graphics"(even though style looks more like something out of graphic novel/comics).

    @Egocentricion: Besides that remark being condescending its also not true :P I've seen much more realistic sprite games than original XCOM. Heck, even Apocalypse is less cartoony and it has retro future aesthetics! Original Fallout doesn't look cartoonish, it looks stylized.

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