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Posts posted by Gorzahg

  1. I don't like what I've seen of it so far. Its way too watered down. There are much better solutions to ammo, bases, mission selection, base attacks and few troops seeing combat in ground combat. That and they got rid of TU because that would required too much thinking. And I don't want to play Sim base either. And don't get me started on WOW special abilities and the regressive streamlined stat system and the stupid Will stat. You get hurt, the only penalty should be waiting ages to return to health, but no, now you have the nerves of a child. WTF.

    Now I activate my end rant special ability. I have to wait 3 turns for it to cool down.

  2. I will put money in only if it get filmed and put on youtube. I can't be stuffed flying around the world.

    "His name is Chris England and he has no clue where he is. Will he make it back to London in time to finish Xenonauts? Don't miss the season finale of Stuck in a box!"

    I lol'ed.

    Where will he be unboxed next? halfway fown the niagara falls (narraitive question only not a serious suggestion) or ontop of the Liberty statue?

    Maybe he wil be unboxed in his own home with a bunch of strangers around? Or in a strangers house with noone around?

    Will he be popping up inside an igloo? Inside a cafe? On the dancefloor in a gayclub? On a bus? In the middle of a farmland field? In a Zoo? Noone knows!


  3. It's 50,745 , *approximately 1 hour later* . Still 50,745...WHAT!? An hour has passed and no change!? I knew it, people are losing interest since we reached the goal! Chris was too humble NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Yeah he shoulda threaten to shoot a puppy if people didn't give him moar monies.

  4. This is also a problem in the Dropship screen, Icons would help to put the guys you want at the front where you want them without having to refer back to the Soldier screen to see who has what.

    Yeah it's annoying trying to remember who had what without switching back and forth between screens. It just needs to show the primary weapon the soldiers is holding.

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