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Black Album

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Everything posted by Black Album

  1. Hi ... I'm sorry if this is the wrong section to post this ... it's my first time here ... anyway... I recently bought the Xenonauts game in the Steam sale ... (I've since had to refund it) After I installed it then selected the community edition I launched the game for the first time. I noticed there was no audio but continued to look around anyway. Eventually a UFO landed and I went to investigate ... still no audio and I also noticed that the game slowed down after "turn 1" By turn 3 it was really slow ... you'd select a soldier ... wait ... tell him to stand ... wait ... tell him to move ... wait etc etc Looking around was also very difficult due to lag. Anyway ... I had to refund the game in the end but I was advised to come here for advice ... I would like to solve this if possible and get the game in the future.
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