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Posts posted by zzz

  1. i dont think there is any "flee" status.

    At least it was

    Panic - Panic causes a soldier to lose all APs for the turn. The chance of a soldier panicking is 2% for each point of morale below 50 the soldier has, capped at 50%.

    Flee - Fleeing causes the soldier to drop his weapon and flee towards the dropship. The chance of a soldier fleeing is 2% for each point of morale below 25, again capped at 50%.

  2. Another three minor(i'm not sure about "suggestion", more like -)ideas.

    Something like "critical panic" and "critical flee"

    After first sucessful "panic" every next "panic" have 10% chanse of "suicide" instead. Soldier is die.

    After first sucsess "flee" every next "flee" have 10% chance of "desertion" instead. Soldier become civilian AI and you totaly lost control of him.

    When any battlefield unit have less of 25%(50? 30?) of health - every next health losing is penalty to stat. Maybe TUs. For less discret state

    I do not know how much it will be fun to play with it. Just thought.

    I hope my english is understandable.

  3. Yes, a few days ago. I saw links and some discussion on "forums". It's full "working"(as far as it is) 9.1/

    Without any desura "linking"(there must be more correct word)

    The download link is a .exe file? I can't read russian but the only think I seem to be able to download on that page seems VERY suspicious.

    It is just torrent tracker. And you can't see any download links if you not registred , only lot of adversing.

  4. Maybe the clip should be used only when more then 50% of it's capacity was fired?

    I prefer per ammo based clip count (int{ammototal\clipsize}), not hard math i think. You buy clips and see clips, but stored they as sum of ammo. Its not suggestion, just thought.

    And I don't like the topic idea, sorry.

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