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Posts posted by SyDaemon

  1. X-COM and Xenonauts are games that thrive more on design narrative than the use of cinematics. The context, and details of the world are told through the look and feel and by game play experiences.

    There's also no shortage of text in the xenopedia entries that build upon the mood. I've found the overall presentation to be more than enough for my own imagination to fill in the rest. Also, because I interpret the universe through these narrative cues in my own way, my mental model of the world is more personal and more memorable.

  2. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/778309814705049897/631E9A89B57EE0A1009CA70FAA452CEE34E73797/

    I've once had to deal with a couple of Reapers on the loose. One ran into the office building while the other charged at my guys. It took 3 of my soldiers to take that single Reaper down and I had then ended my turn, forgetting that the other was still at large.

    To my alarm, the other Reaper came out of the office building from the side door and was heading straight for my guys. I was just about to give him up for dead when the police officer you see in the picture shot it twice, with his pistol, killing it on the second shot. At this distance, local forces usually can't hit anything, but this policeman saved my soldier's life that day.

  3. You know, they could use the material that they've used to contain the Reaper for analysis to make armours. From the picture, it looks like it's holding its the Reaper in pretty well.

    Unless, of course, we want to argue that the Reaper contained in base have been severely weakened.

  4. I've just been extremely fortunate with my recent B Team landing ship UFO mission. My forward shield scout wearing wolf armour ate 2 grenades in the face and survived with minor scratches. First grenade was resisted, second did only about 10 damage.

    Just inches behind him was an unarmoured (basic armour is no armour) rookie in both occasions. I think he shat himself twice.

    I'll second the advice to spread your soldiers out. I've noticed that whenever you end your turn with guys bunched up within line of sight and range of the aliens, they're more than eager to capitalise on the opportunity to grenade you.

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