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Posts posted by Zorac56

  1. if cleaning means oblitrating rubbish and people then yes

    well to aliens we are just trash sooooooo I guess we agree then :P

    oh and actually on topic I agree with parts of what shrelock said like when he said they should be organized for base defense but not for crash site because they would be shell shocked for crash site and would organize for base attack but that still leaves the difficulty of the actual coding.

  2. I actually didn't mind Psi much although I myself was rarely using it. Just didn't find it as satisfactionary as properly executed military action with precisely coordinated soldiers. I also must express joy that human-side psionic abilities were taken out. While it may cause problems for some veteran x-com fans who enjoyed mind-controlling their enemies, I didn't like the fact that at first whole humanity despite the research of psi and occult is completely clueless and then after one discovery turns regular, even if elite, infantry into bunch of little wizards.

    lol I love how you put that I didnt exatcly enjoy human psionics in xcom either it just didnt make sense to me

  3. What I think would be cool is if when they died they got put on a list as previously stated but also you could type a little something in to be put in a file with the name so you dont forget like "Drizzt died a brave death taking a Sectoid commander with him" or "I hated Drizzt he was a sissy and coward" (probably not the second one :P) but something like that so you dont forget who he was because no matter how much you like him random names are hard to remember :D

  4. Ok lets set the scene....

    I am hunting through the entire map for the last alien, when I finally find him I charge him with my scout holding a stun rod. the alien turns blue and falls on the ground, my scout proceeds to put him in his backpack, I then hit end turn and the game ends showing that it was indeed the last alien. My problem however is that despite this it still says one alien escaped and zero where captured. Is capture not implemented yet or am I doing something wrong? and if it is implemented and it was meant to be like this might I suggest that captured aliens count as dead instead of escaped so it doesn't count against your score?

  5. nice thanks for the info Chris and others :D I am glad you will because the one thing I hated about enemy unknown was when I had a high ranking person with great gear and we come into contact with a mind controlling sectoid for the first time and I learn that my high ranking person with power armor and a heavy plasma is extremely weak minded and gets possessed in the first few turns of the mission.

  6. I hate to be a noob on my first post but I just had to ask this. I have been looking around the forums and website and have found nothing on this, I was wondering if because human psi powers where removed (I think that is a good thing) will there be some type of anti psi item to prevent the aliens from controlling your units in any way?

    Thanks much,


    btw going to bed now so don't be miffed if I don't respond soon :P

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