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Posts posted by Phenakist

  1. Considering the content those are suited more for alien officers. Maybe you can try some other/different symbolism related to exterminating aliens instead of glorifying them. But still well done.

    Thanks for the feedback, I can certainly see where you are coming from! If any idea's come to me that stray away from using the xenonaut symbol, i'll make sure to do an alternate pack :)

  2. Hey guys, just a heads up about a project I started over night. I am currently re-modelling all of the ingame ranks to be a little more xenonaut specific.

    The theme will obviously be the aliens, however the initial three ranks are more generic, for the ''new pvt'' vibe, only until you have been well versed in xeno combat, do you deserve the official xenonaut ranks!

    I am close to releasing the files, however I have the colonel and commander to still do yet, these are here for all your spoiler amusement (plus feedback if you wish to give it)

    CLICK for out of game peek













    Colonel ??

    Commander ???

    CLICK for ingame screens
















  3. hi,

    I updated XNT but now my saved game crash when trying to load it i am going beserk from steam updates especially if dont want them and saved game was after i updated the game have to start all over again.So i start over no appollo no su10 GRRRR.....

    I also experienced crashes on a current save with the new update. I think the best thing to do is turn off auto updates to xenonauts but also create a parallel game file which is the modded version, so steam leaves it alone.

  4. Perhaps you could get around this issue by making duplicates of the ballistic weapons, with different IDs but same graphics.

    That actually sounds like a good work around. I wouldn't mind having a seperate tab that has the manufactured versions only, whilst ignoring the hardcoded ones that are infinite (if that's the case)

    What would be involved in making this change? I wouldn't mind giving it an attempt myself, but what would I be looking for and what would I need to do to make this change?

  5. Is there a mod, or even a way of making every item in the game have an inherent cost?

    Not necessarily for everything having a manufacture process but at the minimum not being allowed inifinte m16's & C4.

    The reason for why I want this is because in my current game line-up and mods, a lot of my soldiers can carry a significant amount, with no restricting factor they are carrying 8-9 grenades because if I die and lose them, oh well I have infinite.

    I want to be punished if my character dies with an overloaded back pack!

  6. I just wanted to leave some feedback for this mod.

    I tried it, and I have to say the idea's behind it, fantastic. However the early game feels way too easy for the following reasons :-

    - Snipers are easy to attain 95% hit ratio, meaning it is high dmg, high range, extremely low risk weapon

    - Scout tank stood still for 5 rounds being shot and hit, took 0 dmg (sebillian grunt)

    - grenades way OP, amplified when in enclosed spaces

    - No real reason to ever carry extra ammo (aside the early tier shotgun, but I find ammo expendeture in vanilla to be an equal problem)

    This is all my experience from 1 1/2 testing the early game, speeding through to play some battles, getting some research etc.

  7. SOPA will turn America into a second North Korea. Restrictions on free speech, restrictions on who can advertise, restrictions on what you can search, it is a farce. It will stop people from being able to 'easily' search for the sites they want, but ultimately they still will be able to by searching for their site via an ip address instead of www.google.com for example.

    SOPA in a nut shell does this :-

    gives conglomerates the ultimate power to sue starting businesses

    gives the government the ability to restrict free speech

    gives the government the ability to restrict any other religious or non religious views so Christianity can finally be the official state religion.

    Ironically does not stop piracy, go figure that shit out.

    It makes me so angry you cannot believe it and I live in the UK.

  8. I have noticed an infinity sign next to the ammunition in video's. Does this mean that all ammo's and grenades are in infinite supply or will this be changed in a later release and is more for alpha convenience?

    I liked having to purchase and wait for deliveries of ammo, the element of management and ammo having a real world (but cheap) value added to the immersion and player experience for me.

  9. A large majority of the original post is subjective and therefore you should just not play the game. I see nothing wrong with the camping, legal scamming system, spying and learning curve as it is what made eve-online a good game for me.

    Graphical fidelity is largely subjective too, but can be objective if it delivers what the original creators designed it to deliver. Xenonauts is a pretty game for what it is designed to be, however compared to a triple A 3d title it is miles behind. Although I would disagree on the graphics, eve looks stunning.

    Eve-online is jam packed full of storyline if you only but took the time to follow it.

    Eve-online is just about the only game that releases expansion packs that add value for money content...aka...FOR FREE. They spend a lot of their resources reinvesting your monthly sub to keep you interested, they are by no means slackers.

    As for bugs, I cannot really comment or the lag for that matter as I have been out of the actual game for sometime now, although I do know that lag got 10fold better when I played.

    Apart from all the inconsistency, I have no idea what the OP is trying to achieve. Were you ganked by any chance and raging?

  10. The phrase "console audience" fills me with dread considering it often means a company designing a game with consoles in mind then porting it, badly, to PC.

    Also not liking how hideously generic the space marine hiding behind the car looks, and a little confused as to why he is hiding behind a car when confronting a 3ft tall alien that is being blinded by headlights.

    Don't get me wrong space marines can be cool, Aliens Colonial Marines, but this guy looks like he is wearing bmx armour.

    I think you are a little too presumptuous of the game considering it is poster art. There could be 15 other aliens hiding, maybe he saw 4 in a corner somewhere? Maybe he is on his own and his squad was just wiped out and he's being a little poontang, who knows. As for the armour, it doesn't personally bother me however it could be upgraded armour and not the basic that you start with, and in that case whats wrong with it?

  11. I wanted to ask about the terrain generation in the game. Is it randomly generated? When I have been watching videos it appears to be the same level (with the chinook in the bottom left corner, electricity generators infront and a massive oil tanker that can explode if shot to the right of the chinook)

    Is this intentional and random terrain generation is not in game or is this just because it's an alpha and it's not implemented as of yet?

    Many thanks,


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