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Posts posted by buster

  1. Maybe a sub-option under that toggleable option to make you carry the downed soldiers back to teleporter/dropship if you decide to bail the mission in order to save them?


    Flashbacks of me desperately carrying my favorite sniper back to Charlie-1 because maybe that was a thing in the game, maybe it said something like that in the loading screen and I just didn't see it. She can't just die like that no! I will not accept that! It will be fine when I carry her back to our dropship... It's gonna be just like before. She didn't even get to play with her new laser rifle... I just need to carry her back that's all... Why would Goldhawk implement carrying soldiers around if this wasn't it WHY OH GOD WHY....


  2. Make laser weapons such that their damage drops over distance instead of accuracy.

    It just makes sense realistically(no bullet drop or travel time) and it could be a cool balance feature. Some players could prefer keeping ballistic weapons for their snipers to use them as long-range killers while some players may prefer laser snipers for a more recon-support role since they can't one-shot aliens from long distances...

    Also, it could be a nice change to make laser weapons fire effects look like half-life's tau cannon's beam instead of a star wars like laser bolts to visually aid this mechanic in the game.



    I looked around a little bit to see if anyone else suggested something like this but couldn't find any... Sorry in advance if this idea was already suggested before...

  3. Considering the fact that Xeno2 will be 3d. Would a cone of fire be too hard to implement?

    Instead of percentages there would be a cone of possible angles the bullet would go to. A sniper would have a 1 degree cone while a machine gunner has 30.

    I'm guessing that you would need to modify or completely rework the ground combat engine for that?


    Don't mind the gravity. I couldn't find a diagram w/o it.

    The cones center is the head if the person is behind cover and the body if he/she/it is in the open.

    So you calculate the area the target is occupying and get the % from that(If its small in a big cone its unlikely). Or create a random line in the cone and look if its hitting the target or the cover first.

    I dont think it is possible but i dont know anything about gamemaking or coding.



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