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Posts posted by djlogue

  1. Still loving it. I like the LMG's and the hunter HMG's for ripping aprat those damn reptoids. Maybe David Icke was right, Reptilians are all around us!!!

    Seriously I just wanted to pop by and express my joy. Also I didn't know the ironman setting was working properly. Now this is fun heart thumping gameplay!!

    Cheers team!!

  2. As I haven't been around that much I don't know if this issue has been raised. I am playing on 1366x768 resolution if it matters. But I find myself really struggling to read. I have 20/20 vision but I also take daily medication that makes it hard enough for me to read without getting double vision. Is there gonna be any way to change the font size or will you be making it a bit bigger in the future.

    Also can we have a faberge egg ship like this one.




  3. Meh pay no attention to that barbaric excuse of a forum. They like to try and rattle your cage and say things like "you need to be on the steam forum" What kind of ini company can spare a unit to sit and watch over that rancid place. We have our own forum, if they want to say something they can come to us. I will do my best to keep a look out on the steam forum for you though guys. But my music is currantly taking over my life but I will do my best.

  4. The kitty petting sound file scares the crap out of me.

    When I read that there would be FF7 music on there I got really excited because I thought there would be chocobo related music. I was sadly disappointed when I didn't find any.

    Liked the X-com geoscape remix :)

    LOL, I was tempted for a while to do so chocobo music. Maybe in the near future.

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