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Posts posted by Gorlom

  1. Wtf I had no idea. Damn. I guess I'll be happy with literally the ground combat if GH can maximize the fun of it, but that means all the buildings with multiple floors will at least only let you inside but no stairs or elevator to be found... Oh man, elevators... That would of been awesome.

    Strange to use a games engine that doesn't let you do something important that X-COM UD did. Freaking X-COM UD!! I bet they didn't know, but who knows unless they tell us.

    I think the game has stairs. Just not "proper" stairs, I think that means that characters cant stand halfway up the stairs without standing inside the stairs or something.

    Just curious, what other original X-COM staple feature will we be missing over a limited engine?

    Anyways, back to OXC, my real love.

    anything related to three dimensions. like the geoscape map for instance. possibly ballistic trajectories for grenades.
  2. I don't understand the point of having corridors. So I thought it would be better to keep quiet.

    Would these corridors take up a whole square? half a square? Double square?

    Why can't you use any room for the same purpose? Wouldn't a corridor be void of any cover and just be Really bad (and also very booring to look at?)to have in the ground battle?

    What would be the difference between a corridor and any other room? The cost?

  3. It's a serious problem. Not a problem of this game, but of our sorry civilization.

    World IS counter-intuitive: intuitive world is plate on four elefants/whales/etceteras.

    Every game-designer have this dilemma:

    - if he do realistic, game acts counterintuitive to the average players, so he lose part of profit.

    - if he do intuitive to the average players, level of "average player" move another step down. And every next game will be adapted for more and more moronic players.

    It's not a matter of intelligence, but a matter of gameplay. Not every part of versimilitude is fun (for everyone, and I assume the majority is not overly concerned about "realism" as long as the game is fun. mind that is my assumption.). Haveing to go poop or pee every X hours after you eat or drink something to regain health in an FPS isn't fun at all, so they leave that out. Not because they think the player is too stupid to understand that if the Character were a real person he wouldn't go poop.

    Haveing a truely accurate representation of the world has it's own downsides like Chris says and as such those downsides are most likely only "worth it" or tolerated by pedantic people that value versimilitude (or "realism") more than gameplay.

  4. Chris I'm curious as to why the block chance increases by different ammounts/% on seperate objects along the path. And why does it increase more than the chance to hit per TU spend, meaning it leads to shots getting less accurate when you spend more TUs on it? Isn't that really counterintuitive?

    Here's a picture of the same thing in action I think. I have a save if necessary.

    aiming picture

    here's the matrix of hit/blocking chances:

    Blocker kneeling :

    snap : hit 42%, block 11%

    normal : hit 60%, block 17%

    aimed : hit 74%, block 22%

    Blocker standing :

    snap : hit 30%, block 36%

    normal : hit 33%, block 55%

    aimed : hit 27%, block 72%

    1. an aimed shot less accurate than a normal shot but only if the blocker is standing.

    2. block chance goes up as a more accurate shot is used.

    Doesn't seem quite right to me :)

    By blocker I assume that you mean the Xenonaut infront of the selected Xenonaut attempting to shoot?

    Is the Shooter standing all the time? Have you looked at the accuracy when he is kneeling as well?

  5. I reported this issue earlier, here is the reply I got:

    (0000886) Chris (administrator) - 2013-11-04 08:37


    This is intentional, as reaction fire is meant to occur simultaneously but we

    can't focus the camera on all the units simultaneously.


    (0000887) Chris (administrator) - 2013-11-04 08:43



    Silly Chris. he reaslly should consider changing that.

  6. Every mission could become boring. Hence why variations..

    My concern was that while bughunt missions has the variation of different maps there wouldn't be any variation on maps where you try to defend an area. No matter how many different maps you make it would still allways feel the same since you've removed the exploration aspect of the map, and push the player to stay in one palce.

    Those kinds of maps would very quickly become repetetive and could suffer the issue with the those aweful missions from TFTD that everyone dreaded to play.

  7. I think defending against assult missions could potentially become very boring for some peole (seems to me that defending a position would have less variation than bughunt missions. Correct me if I'm wrong?) and would require some sort of oportunity to turn it into a regular mission with the player on the offensive (or other way around that it is a regular mission untill you turn it into a defensive mission).

    I would like it if it was a regular mission but with an objective closeby to the transport that you need to defend (instead of a UFO). If you decide to clear out the map normally you play as normal, but if you move to the objective the aliens become aggressive and swarm it forcing you into a defensive playstyle.

  8. I think he had a GREAT list. If you deny it it is only because you want to see this game released and not put more stress on the creators.
    There are some slight graphical tweaks that could potentially be nice but not enough to call "great" or really make any difference.. numbers 10, 12, 13, 24 , 25, 26, 28, 29 and possibly 30 (I'm not sure what he means by 30) are imo bad/illthought through ideas. 25 mainly for the copyright infringement.

    MADDENING that I cannot rotate the camera. If there was one BIG wish from me to this team is a camera rotation, BUT I already bought the game and will keep playing....I just always curse when in tactical and I cant do it.

    Too late for that. The game is 2-dimensional so there really isn't anything to rotate.

  9. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/8104-v20e4-Ground-Combat-The-return-of-the-prescient-alien%21


    any of these threads describe the problem you are having? (they were hidden in the experimental build bug report section :D )

    In the future would you please add the version build number in the topic? It helps the devs a lot when tracking the bugs. Please and thank you :)

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