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Posts posted by drages
You will make code wise things for sure like editing stats, adding new weapons but my concern is about visuals. At X-1, I could add anything 2D as everything was 2D but now even I notice some items images are 2D, there are tons of 3D things too. Will we able to add new weapon models? Or at least will we able to change the texture of the weapons or armors? Same for air content, adding new plane/ air weapons with new images.
Sam for UFOs. As you throw out classic XCom UFO design and used premade ones, you already killed it, but still we need to able to add new UFOs at least changing the texture. Premade UFO designs ruined most of the X-1 modding ideas and it was really sad that you did this again with the second game. Maybe you still add the ability to do it so modders can replace the UFO's entirely and add new ones. Map making got a big role on this.
But my biggest concern is about enemy side. Mod communities mostly add things that player can use, but I find it very boring if the enemy is same. I would like to add new enemies but I don't have any idea that you can do that at all.
X-1 engine got many options you did not use at X-1. This made many things possible for us at X-1 era and we improve it with Community mod support. For example, enemies could use 2 weapons or at least we could make enemies use shields. We could do some respawn tricks/chains with the reaper method.
Items and research chains, we add some special items to the map as a map object which spawns as loot in the end of the mission, like Alien Memory Cards. With this, we could link those items for special researches. Same could be done for enemy inventory, a unique enemy which got a random chance to spawn in a specific UFO could open a special research. You don't need it to finish the game but this kind of things add replay and grind value to the game.
I am still sad that you did not play X-Division as I know. So you could understand many ideas possible to add this game with modding. It would be way easy to explain the concepts I got in my mind.
Those are I can say for now. Good luck.
On 2/6/2022 at 3:34 AM, Kamehamehayes said:
I'm confused. You were bashing the game for not having enough new content to justify purchasing it, but now you are rushing the devs into releasing the game as soon as possible? If lack of content is the issue, why would you rush anybody into releasing an incomplete product early? And justifying releasing it early by releasing free updates and DLC later to fix the game's issues is the exact same pitfall that Phoenix Point fell into. People want to play complete games, not unfinished ones. DLCs are supposed to expand the original product into a new experience that allows the game to have more replay value, not to justify cutting content out of game because it is taking too long.
I did not bash the game because of content. I said if devs got problem about it. Because if you add more and more, you become star citizen.
and if the development takes too long and even so you would like to have more in your game, yes you can add it as DLC. It's not so good solution but if you passed a time frame, you should do it. You may wait for years without problem but a dev cannot continue to development forever. But this is not the topic of this conversation.
1 hour ago, Chris said:
Ultimately all I ask of our players is that they give the final version of the game a fair chance when it's released, not judging what it'll be based on anything we release during development. If you're happy to do that (and it sounds like you are) then you can post whatever you like about the current version.
The Cleaner thing is good example of what I'm talking about about testing new mechanics within the campaign. I don't disagree with your assessment of the Cleaners in V22 - we hadn't implemented the unique victory conditions for their missions then, so their missions were just standard alien deathmatch missions with guys in hazmat suits rather than aliens. And while it seemed cool in my head to start your organisation earlier in the war and having to research and build your first plane, while choosing whether to research tech for the air war or the ground war vs. the Cleaners, in practice it turned out to be a bit tedious.
But that's something you test and iterate on. I came to the same conclusions as you, and a couple of weeks back we moved to a hybrid setup. Your starting interceptors are back (but only have cannons) and the Cleaner missions are now a series of pre-set missions with a couple of unique victory conditions in there (clearing a large building to grab some intel while enemy reinforcements arrive, and ambush on a convoy against loads of enemies where you can deploy almost anywhere and get the first turn) so they serve to break up the classic UFO missions rather than replacing them entirely. I think it works quite a bit better than before, personally.
I can't promise the final game will have enough changes to satisfy your desires for something different, but it'll have more than the current one does.
I want to see a great X-2 game. I wanted to tell what I feel and see as a follower. Even AAA games have very bad and broken development periods and we see the results.
I just want to say, stop designing things and finish what you have. You are not happy with it? Patch it after development.. Do you want to add more? Make it DLC, free or paid.. but finish the game first as it is. We passed the time to change those kind of things anymore.I hope the best for you and this game.
42 minutes ago, Chris said:
Heh, I guess this is karma for the sort of posts I used to make back when I was a modder
What you say is true to some extent. Development on X2 has been harder and taken way longer than I expected. There’s quite a few things I’d do different if I went back in time - maybe I’d even do something else entirely with my time and money.
Nonetheless, your post seems written from the perspective of a modder - someone who comes in when the game is complete. You’re working with mature tools, a mature set of game mechanics and a complete set of game assets provided by the game developer. That’s the sort of work that gets done in the final 5-10% of development, and without wanting to diminish the good work modders do, it’s a lot easier than the stuff that gets done earlier in development. You’re not dealing with any moving parts.
It’s not possible to write a list of features that will be in the final game early in development, nor do the same for the final assets. Game dev is an iterative process, and the more complex and interconnected the project the harder it is to identify exactly how well any part works until you can test it. And you can’t *properly* test anything until you’ve implemented the whole game and connected all the different pieces to one another.
That’s why so much gameplay iteration is happening now. Minimal code changes are required to change the armour model, and I can play and test the mechanics in a proper campaign in a way I couldn’t a year or two ago, let alone near the start of development when the game was just a few boxes on a grid. We’re doing the final civilian assets now because we know the final technical requirements for them, because we know the final lighting setup we’re using in map, which itself is tied to many things including the final method of how we handle terrain destruction, etc. Doing them earlier risks throwing away 30+ models.
I don’t agree there’s been no visual improvement over X1 either. Maybe you disagree, but playing a mission on one of our finished biomes I’m personally struck by how much better it looks than the first game.
Anyway, I wish the game was finished as much as anyone. I know it sucks it has taken this long. But there’s no point us coming this far and releasing something bad, and I’m sure most people will forgive us the delays if we release something good.
Sorry but I don't tell this from a modders perfective only. As I said I am a hardcore player for 30 years and I am following all the news, developments and watch all the whats happening to the problematic development progresses for all the games, which fails and go on.. I am developing my own game too and I know how hard to come up with right designs and something cool on paper could fail at practice.
So, I repeat myself. You are developing a remaster of your own game ,which is a standard X-Com genre, which made many of this game already. So you don't discover the world from start. You are making a game which done by YOU and others many times for 20+ years. So I assume that you got already enough forsee and experience for design choices. With this logic, you can't have an excuse to make design changes after 3 years of development. Design is the first thing you do. It's like you try to build a structure without any plans and you change it every time when you add new level. The result will be a) disaster b) very long construction and c) both.
If you design well, you don't throw anything. This is what a good and proper design for. As I said again, you can make little changes at details and even make some big ones to better good, but as I follow, you just change things a) because random people wants that here, very loudly minority, b) you wake up and thinks it would be better if you change X. This is not acceptable after 3 years.. 3..
The armor change is good, and I liked that. Fun part is, I used this method at my openxcom mod years ago. And many games used that armor destroying mechanics at X-Com 1 and 2 as shred already. All the new x-com based game got this. Why do you wait 3+ years to choose this?As visuals and gameplay, you may see it good enough but we are not in 2018 anymore. Visuals are not everything of course but X-1 was cool when you made it. Now it needs much more to sell. X-2 does not have revolutionary things to make it unique (as I said before even it's less then X-1 as we lose some concepts from old game which is unacceptable for me, but it's a personal view and adding new things does not make you right to delete old ones) and it's a remake of a mediocre game. I love X-1, but for audience, it was a modern xcom remake which is not so well. Your visuals are better then X-1 for sure as X-1 was a jpg based 2D game.. you can't make something worse then that. For that reason, you should not compare your improvement over X-1 and still the differences are very basic compared a 2022 remake.
Telling me that you figured the lighting after 3 years to make proper models is not a good sign too.
In the end, you should not come to me and tell that you changed designs at this time. I expect the game itself after 3 years and you tell me you changed design.. Look from a player perfective please..
Hi, I will tell something bold about this games development.
This game development got issues. More then 3 years passed after Kickstarter ( 2018 June Kickstarter started and they already started to make a game before that, so the development/team was already on it) and you still changing designs.. not little ones, not some details but you still try to figure out how to make the main systems like armor. This kind of big design changes needs a rebalance/recalculations/retests of the whole game and this takes time. And you are just remaking your game...
You already gave up many good things like modular old UFO style UFO designs (and now adding a new ufo as modder will be nearly impossible like X-1) and big units, more then 1x1 tile, for both enemies and humans..
You change designs every time when some random people tell you otherwise. You did this at everything, you even changed the whole game to a X-1 remake. You changed, geosphere, air combat, ground combat, management.. everything. Some where good, some where unnecessary, some of them ruined it, some of them gave you much more work load for nothing but old lame UFO nostalgia.
I accept to see that in first 3 month maybe but now, you still do it. This is not acceptable. You can't change a design of a very core system like armor in 4. year of development. I don't talk the changes are good or bad, just you can't do it so late. And if you want to see the results of this kind of systems, openxcom got everything you said for long time. You could try to make some mods on it and test how it works. It would not same but you will get the idea.
Again, you talked about civillian and soldier armor models to be done. Why would you wait for this kind of basic things which won't change in future after 3 years? You give the model designer what you want and 3D modeler/animator does it. There is no excuse to do it so late still.
Development is ultra slow and it does not work as it should, as you already pass the design loooong time ago and you should have all the visuals and you should be finishing the game these days..
I watched some game play videos after your last kickstarter update and the tactical combat was a big "mehh" and dull. I did not see any visual difference then X-1. Animations were bad, not better then X-1 for sure. This is the result of 3 years of development of a direct remake?
Original Xcom got a nostalgia factor and for that reason it will live forever with openxcom even the graphics sucks and there is no animations. X-1 is not, for that reason it's dead as an old game, this is normal. The problem is you can't make same game and success same time in 2022. Most of the backers even forgot that X-2 is a thing..
Yes, I know you will release a "game" someday so it's not directly a kickstarter scam BUT there are many kickstarter games tagged "spam" as the development is very slow after 1 year... we are at 3+ years now and the result is, you know..
I just think there is a big management and design problems about this game and you act like a "hoppy" rather then a funded kickstarter project which people expect something from you. This is not professional and even not amateurish right now for me, someone with games for 30 years.
If I make sad some people, I am sorry. I just said what I think about this project as one of the greatest fan of X-1 and gave 2+ years to mod it.
The idea of giving magical stats to UFO when you send more interceptor is very lazy and wrong balancing method ever. This is arbitrary, this is cheating and this is non-sense. You can't punish a player if he just uses what the game offers him. I don't know why you did think this is needed and a good idea at all.
You balanced it at X-1, many modders made it more balanced and more fun, and god knows at X-Division, we made it balanced with 200+ UFO's.. we never needed a magical buff for UFOs. We added unique weapon designs, as you did which is a good think at X-2, we add tougher ufos and gave them good escorts as the game developed.
You can rise the difficulty as player gets better for whole game wise but not at tactical level like this. This is not realistic, not logical. Really why would a UFO suddenly get tougher if you send one more aircraft. Did you ever ask this question to yourself? At a realistic alien invasion simulation game?
You can try X-Division :). You got some nice terror ufos there.
After our many tries, I experienced that having special slot for a non soldier unit is much better. So you can bring everything without losing anything.
We got same ai problem at x1 too. Enemy was ignoring the vehicles. So this makes vehicles op because enemy ai act like they don't existed. So xce made some magic and we handled this ai.
So problem is ai. If they attack to those vehicles like soldiers, you can't do those things. Before nerfing the Mars, the ai should be fixed and tests should be done after that.
We will have NVIDIA RTS support at least for x2, so it's enough for me.
Hehehhee.. Shhhttt..
As the devs know hwo important nodding for everyone and they code it with this mind set, I don't have any doubt about it.
7 hours ago, Chris said:
There are already energy shields in the air combat, and there's probably going to be an energy shield in the game that acts a lot like a Combat Shield but weighs far less.
The sort of mechanics you're talking about are covered by the armour system which supports % resistances, but we need to do more work on it so it also supports more conventional types of damage absorbtion too (just having % resistances doesn't work very well).
The problem about having it like a combat shield,
1. It would be more logical as an armor part you wear rather then something you hold. So you can't use 2 handed weapon and it's not so game friendly for its purpose. Not only for player but for enemies too. For that reason, this mechanic should be taken as something more then combat shield variant.
2. At x1 combat shields got a global defensive angle. Like only front and some sides. But at energy shield, field, aura whatever you call, should protect whole body.
As I said it's very nice gimmic for Sci fi atmosphere and it's very nice to hear that we got it at air combat.
5 minutes ago, Alienkiller said:
Hmm.... then you will lose before the Player get warmed up in the first 1 or 2 Month.
There will come more in the Base Game like I announced here elsewere. So be very carefull what you wish before you begunn playing the Final Game.
In short: That we don´t need. If you wanna Mod this later, then do it. But be warned it´s no easy Xenonaut 1 anymore where such Things could brought in.
I said i will mod it already as i did my old mod for x-1. Main game does or can't have them already. I am curious about the enemies in the main game anyway.
Hey Chris. Do you have any plan to add shiny enery shields for ground and air combat?
Shields with some abilities like absorbing % of ***** damage type from its health. Like 100 hp shield which absorbs %80 of the laser so 8 dmg to shield and 2 damage to unit. It can be a mod to armor or special item like Xcom apocalypse.
Please consider this. It would be very logical for weak aliens like caesans to defend themselves.
I still want to see mechs and robo-animals at androns, xenomorphs for caesans and some big dinos for sebs :)..
On 2/11/2020 at 12:30 AM, Chris said:
Yes, this is exactly what I was going to suggest. The MARS spawns an item when it's destroyed (which is why the wreckage offers cover), and we can make that a recoverable item - and then create a workshop project called "MARS Rebuild" that only appears when you have MARS Wreckage in your base stores.
It's great idea! To let dead things at our side, can bring much more ideas too.. as modding at least.
As someone who created 1000+ research for X-Division mod, i tried to do it but then i saw that, it's not so wise to force ppl to play more then one just to see everything.
The research possibility could be random.. like a commander enemy could give you an important research my bigger chance then a private. BUT the research should be there if you search all that enemies.. so sooner or later.. I like random research.. I like the original x-coms repeatable researches which gives you different thing everytime. It should be in the code for modding at least. It's boring to have what to get at 2. gameplay after you know it from your first experience.. this is a good replayability.. but locking something for entire game is a big no and not fun. This is not a game which you will finish in 1 hour like a rogue like..
As i read PP forums, their research idea is not so loved as you just can't have your own research division and don't have any special tree. So you only can get from other factions or enemies. I think it's week too.. good idea but should not be used alone.
As content, yeah if you got not enough numbers, you just go for simple way. But still some special things which won't change the gameplay (as something OP), could be used as i said.. Like one or two special weapon/armor/bullet types per research branch.. a shotgun type laser, a sniper plasma, an EMP bullet.. something you can get from repeatable research lines with a chance.
Example: Caesan Engineer interrogation: repeatable: a shotgun type laser %20, a sniper plasma %10, an EMP bullet %5, ufo types and none. After everything researched, stop repeat and do not show again.
This is an original X-Com clone.. a clone should be same at core and got improvements here and there with nice additions. There are people out there who wants to play an original xcom game. So this is it. There are many franchises which failed so bad because they changed their core at next installments.
To be honest, if the engine was good, we won't even need this. Because X-1 got everything and beyond for people who wants xcom experience. Yeah, it was weak as core game but mods and XCE project handled that so good even against that broken engine. If the engine was good, Goldhawk would make many improvements and expansions already. So for that reason, we needed a remake of X-1 with all the experience and solid ground. A "working" game got always a chance to improve. Working means here to have bug free core elements, like proper shooting, proper AI, proper cover..
Chris made the right choice here. I am happy with that. I hope he can make a very solid, bug free core game. With the mod support, there is no chance to fail.
To be honest, i got huge hopes about Phoenix Point but that game got a long way content, game play and bug wise.. i am so happy that, they started with Epic, so in my mind, the game is still in development and they got time about 1 year before they come to steam.. probably much more polished and with needed expansion/DLC's..
So for short, it's a remake of X-1 which is needed and waited for a loooong time. I will wait more if needed. Chris is our only chance to have a proper modern X-Com.. If a solid ground combat needs time, he can have my years..
On 1/28/2020 at 3:15 AM, Chris said:
You must have needed animated 3d models to generate the 2d sprites for your X1 mod, though?
I got the models and i animated by myself, someone else coded to game as that spritesheet. But i was using a different animation program which won't support any game engines. I will see what we can do after the game released.
Edit: If the modding support or you as devs can help, i am ready to hire some 3D modeler/animators to create extra enemies to put into game. There are some great examples which the devs supports the modders when they need to pass the modding limits or just need help. Because %95 of modders cares to add stuff to players side, enemy side is always the real deal. I can't imagine a game named Xenonauts without alien/xenomorphs creatures as enemies :).
22 hours ago, Comrade said:
Yeah I don't know about placing that stuff in the base game. I'd much rather prefer the current grounded, somewhat hard sci fi setting the first vanilla game had.
Of course, if you can somehow mod the stuff you mentioned into a total conversion mod, like you did for the first game, then that would be pretty cool.
Sadly i won't able to put new creatures like x1 as all system goes to 3D from 2D..
22 hours ago, Chris said:
I mean, it's not quite the same as a massive ADVENT tank like in that video, but thankfully we do now have our 1-tile vehicles working in the game and they'll be included in the next build.
Larger vehicles would require us to implement pathfinding for multi-tile units ... but that's not necessarily too much work. I'm sort of tempted to put some "proper" 2x2 vehicles into the game once we have the core gameplay working properly.
I want bigger units not to have over powered vehicles but to have overpowered fearsome boss style enemies.. I want to fight against andron mechs.. big space dinos at sebilians and alien queen style creatures at caesans. Make them every possible prop (houses, trees, vehicles..) crushable. So the only problem at pathfinding would be terrain.
I want to feel the fear.. i felt it at terror from the deep.. i am still waiting a game to feel that. Even a ultra cool 1x1 alien unit would not make you fear if it does not have a cheaty mechanic (reaper like).. so as the enemy gets bigger, the thread lvl rises at players heart.. Even we would not have it at core game, it should be a DLC which is just over bigger units and aliens like xcom 2 special bossy unit dlc..
Because it's cool and fun..
Nice to hear to have the real time x1 style.
I just want to have different hangar types for possible bigger planes and bigger spaceship types. I would like to fight against ufo battleship with my big ship not just little planes.
Modable weapon slots would be great.
To be honest, xcom 3 got great and simple plane inventory. It could be used very easily. So energy shields and invisibility would be cool. Tbh game should have power shields for both air and ground like xcom 3 did.
Air game should be simple and mostly about stats rather then reflexes. But creating your plane with all the things, armor, weapons, engines, special stuff and having pilots would be nice addition to the strategic theme. Don't simplify that part or at least make it Modable so ppl can have choice.
Please do not limit the firing at the game. Let ppl fire more at a turn.. both us and aliens. Nobody will want a weapon which he can fire time to time.. nobody would wait for it..
Nothing will be charged in thin air. Laser weapon will recharge.. where? How? With what?.. I am a navy officer and if they bring a weapon to me which i need to charge at battlefield, i would kick that engineer. I need to fire something as much as i can in a shortest time period. The battle won't take days.. so i will fight for 1-2 hours and i will bring a weapon which needs to wait to fire.. come on guys...
The battery system is the most logical one. Don't try to change it to make it something different.. it's the right way.. but the weapon mechanic could change.. like the weapon will be more powerful as you use more charges and time. A laser rifle could be used as sniper rifle with more range and damage if you give "3" charge and half TU.. if you go single fire, just use one charge.. Maybe you want a powerful burst.. then give 10 charge for a full TU 5 fire autoshot... This could be used for all energy type weapons. Very logical.. very fun to use.. so with less weapon type, you can have multi-option guns. A pistol, a rifle and a heavy laser could give you at least 5-6 type of weapon.. it will need different game mechanic and maybe some UI changes too..
Hey people!
I want to talk about weapon firing types (single, aimed, auto...) and how to make them realistic and more fun..
At X-Com type games, we got standard firing methods.. single, aimed and auto. Some weapons do not have all the options. It was nice for a while but now we got more options which can bring more action to the warzone. I wanted to add this to the open-xcom because X-1 did not allow me to mod so deeper. But i could not finish it at Open_Xcom because the balancing is very hard.Again but Phoenix Point will make it. We need to create more firing types and leave some old ones..
Let me discuss this per weapon type:
Pistol: Pistols are ultra weak at every xcom game.. there is always much better option.. Why? At reality, many special forces are still using pistols but at games we could not simulate this.. we always bring bigger guns.. John Wick kills mostly with pistol.. So pistols are very fast weapons which easy to aim at short distances. We give single and aimed shot to the pistols and player should fire many times with very low acc. The result is, no more pistols, give me my rifle.. At gun fights, you mostly never go for single shot if you can't aim well because of being under fire. So single shot for pistol is meaningless. There should be something like autofire for pistols with good suppression at shot range. This shot could have a bad aiming but the reason to use it to create a suppression fire at short distances like inside a room. Aimed shot should have a very very good acc bonus at close range which you should miss very rare. Even if we need to go far, we need to have a "critical hit" mechanic with range included. So aimed pistol shot should have great aim and great critical chance but it should have bigger TU then we use. As TU usage, i say make auto and aimed nearly same TU (aimed could be a bit less as single shot). A player should able to fire 2 auto or 3 aimed pistol shot with full TU.
Rifle: Our standard weapon at this genre.. everyone wants a rifle.. you can use at any situation. Short range, mid range.. as the playground is not so huge, it's the best weapon.. but it's not right. We got single shot with rifle.. i don' like that.. if you fire your rifle under fire, you use short bursts. So you use autofire as single shot at RL. For that reason, i don't like to have single shot at rifles. I think we need an auto shot and burst shot for rifles. Auto will fire 3 bullet and burst will go for 7 to 10.. so the auto will have a average aim and burst will have very bad aim with suppression. Aimed shot should not be for every "rifle".. you can make a special rifle type with only auto and aimed as it has a scope and you dont use it for burst. Rifle should have penalty at short ranges.. not so huge but it should be there.. so the player will need to take their pistol when he opened a door and saw an alien next to him. Or he will bring shotguns for those close encounters. Rifleman should be someone for support fire at a short distance..
Big guns: LMG.. so you will ask me about this when you read the rifle and how i give supp to it already. Suppression should be very important point for the battle. For us and for aliens. Alien AI should able to handle supp damage very well. Some of the AI should fire at you just to make supp and others should go for kill.. So LMG should have 2 burst type for sure.. like rifle.. An auto shot with 5-6 bullet and full burst with crazy supp. LMG should be used against armored bigger opponents. They need to destroy walls and covers.. LMG carrier soldier should take aim penalty if he moves that turn. If you are not Arnold, you just can't run and shoot someone with LMG's..
Sniper: One of the coolest weapon we just can't use good enough at standard xcom games because the play ground is so messy to put someone somewhere long range and use it to shoot aliens at close areas. Sniper rifles should have special aimed shots. They need to ignore covers somehow.. So they should able to hit very heavy on an alien under a window. Even a full cover would have some weakness as the alien will try to look. So when they pop their head, sniper will hit it. We need to simulate this.
Those ideas need some game mechanics to use. I hope we can have some of it to able to give special tasks to every weapon. Thx!
Xenonauts - Community Modding Tools
in Xenonauts-2 General Discussion
Thank you. I will follow the news. As there is an Unity disaster happening right now, I hope we get the best in the end.