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Posts posted by fu12

  1. There is still that bug where only the female grunts get the new armor textures in the equip screen. Its not super critical i know, but its still weird that men are just floating heads when they equip coyote. Also, a bunch of the images in the xenopedia are missing from the last version of this mod. Dunno if you just forgot em or I got the mod too fast before updates? So far I havent seen the t10 pic or a bunch of the air weapon pics (Itd be helpful if you actually wrote a description in for those instead of just having the pic) and some of the additional alien mission info pics are also not showing up.

    Also a combination of the flamethrower and coyote armor makes the sprite disappear in combat. I can only see the trooper's shadow.

  2. @ventuswings: I'm fairly certain the soldier/dropship bug isnt a vanilla bug (unless it was in 1.08?).

    bugfind #2 (I only recently got off my arse to find mods, so this might have been reported already): Coyote Armor only renders in the Equip screen for female troopers. Male coyote armor is blank (you get a floating head. I think it might be related to the realistic armors modpack thing since females also get the fancy camo pattern on the base "armor"). Shows up fine on the combat screen (unless its not supposed to look the same as jackal armor)

    Xenopedia entries for at least the following are not showing as well: Landing ship core disassembly and the keeper gun (I think it was the vortex rifle weapon research?). There were several others as well, but I'm not sure what they are.

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