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Posts posted by subject117

  1. Hi Alm,

    I'd probably count Fedora as Red Hat, although it's possible we might want to tweak the poll options later on (not many people use Debian as a desktop either; at least, not sensible people).

    I'd ask about Gentoo but I don't know if Xenonauts will support -funroll-loops

    Well if they were truly sensible people they wouldn't be using Arch either.

  2. As I say, I've not had the final quotes through including the manuals, but a 9gb DVD with a printed cover, case and plastic wrap comes to £1.82 at the moment on a run of 100, and would be £1.72 if we got a run of 200. They're also extremely light and easy to post anywhere in the world - it'd only cost £2.50 to send it non-urgently anywhere in the world. I imagine the manuals would add maybe 50p to the cost, making it £4.82 if we did a run of 100. Even if we play it safe and round it up to £5 each, they would only be $8 each and it's something I can easily run from the UK, whereas the T-shirts / posters / art book are a little pricier if done over here. As well as more effort, likely.

    So that would be an extra $12 per pledge raised to $50, minus the $2 KS / Amazon would take from the extra $20 raise. So net gain, $10 each time ($20 if the person is only a Standard Pre-order originally, or outside the US and pays the extra for shipping).

    True, it's not a MASSIVE gain, but it's still enough to make it worthwhile, I think. I also think the $50 price point will have a lot more takers than $60, although I'm basing that on no real facts. I just think it'll have more chance of getting $20 / $30 people to pledge up to $50 than basically double their pledge.

    Plus the other advantage of a DVD copy is we don't have to do them until the game is done. We can use the cash for working capital in the meantime, as unless we really cock the launch up we'll at least make a couple of thousand dollars there that can be used for manufacturing the DVDs.

    I truly think that there is a market for a collector's package. If the regular one is only a few bucks to make and send, and you can up it to $50, why not go for a $75-$85 tier (or add to the $100 tier) with a collector's boxed copy? A nice CD soundtrack, a cool looking box and an official Xenonauts mousepad would be great items to bundle in! I am certain you would sell enough to justify it! If you want to make sure it sells then make it a hand-numbered limited edition (numbered up to 100 or even 250). Why not do a poll to see what the interest level is?

  3. You could allow for more than one name to be added at 125/150$ tiers, the backer and their friend(s) for example.

    Names could be applied to civilians and npc forces as well. For example dead civilians could drop IDs (dog tags for soldiers) that show the name of the "deceased". Civilians would allow for female names as well.

    When the game ends (even if you didn't pick up any IDs/tags) all the name tags/IDs "collected" are shown on a special memorial page. It's a way to both reward backers and instill a sense of loss, the price humanity paid in the conflict.

    I thought that too but it would devalue the names a bit, and make it that much harder for someone to get their own name in their game. The dog tags are a good idea though.

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