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10 Good
  1. <p><p><a href="<a href="http://lophoctienganh.org/" rel="external nofollow">http://lophoctienganh.org/</a>" rel="external nofollow">trung tâm tiếng anh</a> <a href="<a href="http://tutozone.net/" rel="external nofollow">http://tutozone.net/</a>" rel="external nofollow"><a href="http://tutozone.net/" rel="external nofollow">http://tutozone.net/</a></a> <a href="<a href="http://luatngogia.net/thanh-lap-cong-ty/" rel="external nofollow">http://luatngogia.net/thanh-lap-cong-ty/</a>" rel="external nofollow">thành lập công ty</a> <a href="<a href="http://luatngogia.net/tu-van-luat/" rel="external nofollow">http://luatngogia.net/tu-van-luat/</a>" rel="external nofollow">số điện thoại tư vấn luật</a> <a href="<a href="http://tuvanphapluattructuyen.com/" rel="external nofollow">http://tuvanphapluattructuyen.com/</a>" rel="external nofollow"><a href="http://tuvanphapluattructuyen.com/" rel="external nofollow">http://tuvanphapluattructuyen.com/</a></a> <a href="<a href="http://chochucson.com/forums/117/" rel="external nofollow">http://chochucson.com/forums/117/</a>" rel="external nofollow">nhac san cuc manh</a> í tôn vô thượng Thiên Địa Đông Thọ.</p></p>


    <p><p>Phật âm vang vọng, quốc gia bốn phía đều chuyển hóa hết thành Phật quốc.</p></p>

    <p><p>Giờ này khắc này Phương Hàn hóa thành PHật Đà bất hu. phù lục của Thế Gian Tự Tại Vương Phật bay lên hóa thành một đoàn phật quang lơ lửng ở sau đầu. Lục Tự Chân Ngôn đang lóe lên không ngừng. Trong thiên địa đều là phật âm cuồn cuộn, phật âm hóa thành đại ấn. cổ xưa mà uy nghiêm.</p></p>

    <p><p>- Diệt cho ta!</p></p>

    <p><p>Phương Hàn vung tay chộp một cái, phật âm hoàn toàn vượt qua lôi đình, biến thành Thần âm duy nhất trong thiên địa. Chỉ một cái chấn động liền chụp Huyền Diệp rơi xuống mặt đất.</p></p>

    <p><p>- Khôn</p></p>

  2. Well if they were truly sensible people they wouldn't be using Arch either.
  3. I truly think that there is a market for a collector's package. If the regular one is only a few bucks to make and send, and you can up it to $50, why not go for a $75-$85 tier (or add to the $100 tier) with a collector's boxed copy? A nice CD soundtrack, a cool looking box and an official Xenonauts mousepad would be great items to bundle in! I am certain you would sell enough to justify it! If you want to make sure it sells then make it a hand-numbered limited edition (numbered up to 100 or even 250). Why not do a poll to see what the interest level is?
  4. I would like to see multiple endings. The endings can be based on some metrics of how well you played, how many governments are still on your side, etc. I think 3-4 endings would be perfect!
  5. I thought that too but it would devalue the names a bit, and make it that much harder for someone to get their own name in their game. The dog tags are a good idea though.
  6. I think a good option for the $500-1000 range could be to name one of the guns/vehicles/equipment (upon review/approval).
  7. He should be careful; it could be a Chryssalid in disguise!
  8. Seriously, I'll be very surprised if this doesn't reach the goal within 24 hours.
  9. It's too bad about the poll closing, #2 really had a chance! OR, you could have a printing for both 2 and 3 and let the kickstarters decide which shirt to get!
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