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  1. First post but had to confess. It is said that we will only die from our own arrogance, that is true, the aliens just speed up the process. it was all going so well my science team was churning out new and exciting technology at break neck speed. Three months into the invasion and my strike team was an 8 strong team of battle hardened majors each toting a brand new laser arsenal protected by the latest in wolf Armour there shrike drop ship even had a small laser turreted tank to they were taking the fight to the enemy and winning. Except for poor sergeant Mooseface who was ripped apart by a hideous insectiod monster growing inside him, we hadn't lost a man since the beginning days of the invasion. My base at the mouth of the Nile was a hub of science and engineering I had satellite bases in Panama and Borneo providing radar coverage and air support my wings of brand new corsair interceptors and foxtrot fighters gave me a slight edge in the war in the sky. To say I was confident was an understatement my main wing had flown out of Egypt and knocked a corvette out of the sky over India my strike team had departed to clean up the crash site and reclaim precious alien tech for the science boys. A new signal was detected in central Africa nothing new the aliens had responded to my stiff resistance by launching multiple UFOs at once no matter it was going to be 2 hours until the birds where re-armed and re-fueled the corvette was close to my base it would be downed soon enough might even send the team to mop that up on the way home from the Indian operation. Than the bubble burst the Aliens changed their play book that day, the corvette was expected to hit targets of opportunity before being either chased out to space or blown out of the sky but no this craft was different instead of a seemingly random flight path this craft was going due north by the time i realized he was heading straight for my HQ it was too late. My strike team had left the base unguarded my fighters were not in the sky to defend us the Aliens took great pleasure in wiping it off the map. my team in the shrike over the sky of north India after losing contact with the home base was never heard from again. So here I am a week away from Christmas with 2 bases that contain 3 radar dishes and 3 fighters in hangers on opposite sides of the planet, with no living quarters, no labs, no workshops and no soldiers. I guess I put all my eggs in one basket and now I have no hope.
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