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Everything posted by Larchus

  1. The rifle from Alien is nice, but is there any way to get this without pop culture weapons? I'm bothered by the inclusion of weapons from other universes, you may as well give me a Bolter and Chainsword.
  2. I understand UFOs not being made of paper, but I am talking a blast from heavy ordinance here. Not a single volley from an LMG. Frankly, the corvette is sadly a deal breaker for me. Those damn things are a nightmare to raid in vanilla. But if you say you are revising the layputs I may just keep an eye on this project.
  3. I learned that this is a bad idea the hard way. Base Augustus, which was located on the island of Sicily, was my primary base. I built a second base -- Balto base -- in Cuba (I have a thing for island bases for some reason...). Built a charlie, staffed it with soldiers. It ended up being so much damn upkeep that I actually had a defecit one month. I... really hate that to be completely honest. I was hoping this game would be more flexible. Honestly, I also think that small arms in this game are WAY too expensive. Why is one laser rifle only $10,000 less than a huge laser AA battery? I may have to make some changes to the game, but doing that feels like cheating. I'm thinking $20,000 for rifles is much more agreeable (after all, this is 1979 money we're talking, here). Also, you are going to need infantry in your bases anyway, in case they get attacked. One thing I did consider, though, was building dedicated facilities. Like, a small base specifically for research. 4 labs, a store room, some living quarters for security/scientists. A nice, tucked away science base to send my Anomalous Materials to.
  4. I was looking into this mod to grab it. Iwas interested in having UFOs with destructable hulls, but frankly I'm a tad discouraged by the new layouts. For example, I noticed some ship designs have doors leading to certain rooms are in an awkward L shape. It seems too deliberate -- why not just have a pair of double doors or regular flat doors leading to the bridge of the Landing ship? It seems too obvious that the doors were designed that way so the player wouldn't be able to get a clear view of the room simply from opening the doors. How too convenient for the aliens. Another question: I notice repeated mention of the use of Breaching Charges to crack UFOs open. Would using Rocket Launchers or Ordnance also penetrate the hulls? I would hope so -- having my tank bust the UFO open with a shot from its pulse laser or plasma cannon would be preferable to weighing the designated Demoman down with the breaching charge. Also, why not just use some C-4? I mean, it would be really groovy if there was more than ONE way into a UFO. And I get that the UFOs are clearly designed around the fact there is one Entrance, meaning adding multiple ways in is going to require some changes so that so you can't mop the floor with them by just flanking them with a Breaching squad. But man, that Corvette interior does not look appealing in the slightest.
  5. I'm gonna post here to third the "no nightvision goggles" problem. First thing I thought when Night missions were explained to me was "man I wish I had some night vision headsets or something." It's a shame the game is so... hard-coded. I mean, now it's not even like we can look forward to a modder adding stuff in. EDIT: Just realized I kind of necroposted. Eh, whatever, I was going to start a new thread about this but I wanted to make sure I didn't just repeat something other people have brought up before. But I mean, hell, you could fluff up some reason as to why research needs to be done to make NVGs! Like, the alien heat signatures are much more faint, and the Xenonaut NVGs need to be calibrated specifically to detect them. Something like that! It's better than a wimpy little headlamp!
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