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Posts posted by GerbilSchooler

  1. Did you rename your dropship with people still assigned to it? This is what caused "Charlie-10" to get made for me and ruin my game. Until this is fixed, you need to unassign all of your troops from Charlie-1 in order to safely rename your dropship. If you don't have a save from before you renamed your dropship, you're probably boned

  2. Any of you seasoned modders out there think it would be feasible to make a stand alone Air Combat game where you could set the match parameters and fight with any combination of Xenonaut aircraft V. any combination of alien aircraft? I don't know much about modding, but was thinking I wanted to try and do this with the help of my brother who is a coding genius (well, compared to me)

  3. Get the Community Edition going for sure! Adds so many nice little improvements (like a Casualty List) and some essential bug fixes (Like being able to abort a mission in the Valkyrie dropship). Just get it and install it and thank me later. I'd also recommend Armoured Assault mod, cause otherwise, vehicles are garbage.

    Community Edition:


  4. the community Edition really does need to be easier to find. It took me like half an hour of poking around to find it (that's a long time relative to the "information era" we live in). Though, from what I hear, the Community Edition will be packaged with the game as optional additional content

  5. Asking if this is something intended or if it's a bug or a bad install. But, I was raiding a landing ship and was getting shot from the second floor and couldn't get a line of sight at all. Once I got upstairs I could see there were supposed to be square openings, but I couldn't see downstairs, only black. Well, just wondering if it's a bug. I rage quit cause my whole damn squad got decimated lol. Eh, I still have some majors and a commander... but, there's gonna be a lot of new red shirts coming into the Xenonauts

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