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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2019 in all areas

  1. In the beginning the doors to get to UFO were pain in the butt. My soldier would open the door and than he will meet various enemies all in overwatch position. Moving out or shooting and the soldier was dead. Than I discovered a cheesy tactic - one soldier opens the door, and the second one shoots. Than the first soldier closes the door, the second one moves out, and the third moves into his place. Than the first soldier opens the door, the third one shoots, the door are closed and third one moves out to make a place for the fourth one. This opening and closing of the doors makes storming the enemy base/ship a piece of cake. Suggestion - either to make the door as grenades - that after activating they will open/close only at the end of the turn; or to make the door automatically open when the soldier is in front of them ...
    1 point
  2. Arthur C Clarke, who among other things either initially or independently developed the concept of the communications satellite and space elevator. No human technology is ever sufficiently advanced any, because humans must understand it well enough to make it. All of the things like Prince Rupert's Drops that can be discovered by accident have already been explained.
    1 point
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