Thanks Dagar. Unfortunately, it appear Charon has merely been trolling, so it doesn't matter one bit.
I was under the impression that I was producing X-pedia entries for a future update of the mod. However, Charon stated he just supported production for my enjoyment. Given that fundamental rift regarding the purpose of the effort I see no reason to continue.
The current state is in the attached file. It differs from what's been posted in this thread in a couple of spelling corrections to pre existing entries, errors made by me when trying to synchronize the contents of the file with the posted contents (I'm sure there are such errors), and the last set of entries where I've just replaced the erroneous descriptions with "Classified", but kept my original descriptions of core extraction. The file is "as is". I have no intention of maintaining it.
It can be noted that some armor research indications are incorrect, as Charon had me match those to a possible future version, not the current one.
The file is free to use when it comes to my contents, including any usage in a possible mod update. The rest of it is subject to whatever restrictions there may be.