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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2017 in all areas

  1. Hey, it is a game that you play for fun, if you like saving/loading, this is entirely up to you, do not ever let anyone tell you how to have fun lol. And yes, there will be a pop-up at the beginning of the mission informing you of the presence of an alien officer. November is not that late, so no worries. It also depends on what difficulty you are playing (the lower, the slower game progression due to "invasion ticker" multiplayer,which gives you more time to develop). @ralph_09 Initially it is difficult to stun Sebillians without gas, you may try stun batons, but personally I think it is too dangerous to try and not worth the effort (they are quite weak). Wait for gas grenades or you may try another trick - when you enter the UFO and you see enemies inside standing by the power sources, try to shoot/grenade at the power source instead of the enemy - they explode both with incendiary (which kills) damage and stun damage - incendiary goes first and the stun follows, which quite often incapacitates the enemy (mostly Sebillians, Ceasans are a bit more fragile and can die, but it is still possible to use that against them). And just to clarify - I am not an expert on this game, but ask away if you need any help.
    1 point
  2. Package destroyed, warehouse relocated. Location of the next meetup updated, verify. Rats were scattered to distract eagles, but proceed with caution. Over.
    1 point
  3. Is it possible that terror mission started during day, but after 20ish turns is night ? Its so long and hard mission. i really dont get it how can someone play ironman on this mod. So long mission, great that i can take weapon from dead soldiers. It would be nice touch if you can add that somewhere on longer missions we can find medkit. Maybe on dead soldiers ( like weapons) or in some rooms.. Cant belive how good is this mod. So many details, it feels real. And im scared.
    1 point
  4. The Cold War is infamous for one thing of relevance here: proxy wars. The US and USSR didn't directly do much fighting but they supported opposing factions within non-aligned nations. Maybe that could play into region alignment - in each region, one of the factions that the East or the West support could actually be controlled by aliens. So by fighting their proxy war, one of the major powers could be giving the aliens more ground. It is the xenonauts job to root out which factions are aliens (maybe they use clones or brainwashed humans as a front), then sabotage that faction somehow (covert strike operations). If the xenonauts are too brash then they risk retribution from the major powers, if they are too slow then the aliens take power of enough regions to begin their endgame (tripod attack )
    1 point
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