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  1. Wrong, sebillians are affected by smoke like any othr unit, as i learned recently. Isnt that what is the best option ? Not doing what you want him to do ? And on top of that to stay crouched ? From a human standpoint ? Before, they neither did that nor other things, and on top of this the aliens would helplessly run around in the back lines and never shoot because their accruacy was too low. Now they are at least effective at what they are doing ( because the AI was rewritten, not because of the accuracy buff, but they both play together ). I dont get what you are saying. When you have only 50% Tu available because of the suppression, than bursting takes away your whole TU to move. Its a tradeoff, either max damage or hide again. And max damage and on top of that staying crouched is clearly the better option, why make an suboptimal choice when you can make the best one ? Ofcourse they stay dangerous after you suppressed them, if not this would be a childs game. Ok, ok stop. I think you this might help you. Let me quote from Long war. If you stand in front of a caesan on insane it is fine that the an burst kills you. Thats the game. There is always a strategy available which let you achieve a different result. But thats the game, off the top of my head i can instantly think about 1 strategy where you wont get any damage at all. But thats for you to find out . Well, first of all, the game hasnt been balanced yet, but the GC has. Secondly, any other option than Veteran hasnt been balanced. Yes, values are different on lower difficulties. Either way, I wouldnt call this flawed. That units cant manually crouch, that is flawed. I think you are forgetting that half of the TU is not available in the next turn, and dont take advantage of it. I dont really get the idea, stunning is a hard buiseness which may require some units close by. Stunning is the pinnacle of achieving victory in a GC. You can measure the amount of success by the amount of stunned, needed units you got in a GC. The closer you get to a unit the more dangerous it becomes, naturally. If you dont like that take the guy out with a sniper rifle, while he is suppressed. Furthermore let me quote from the advice section: <Tip>Do not stay in an aliens Line of Sight! Do not trust cover!</Tip> That might be true. As in, it is true, but i still have to decide if that is a bad thing. I would disagree and state again that this game is nothing which you can learn, or is obvious how to play, on the first turns. Dont expect suboptimal strategies to succeed. Always stay flexible. Accept that mistakes can happen. I believe that randomisation is a simulation of the approximitation of the randomness of war. If it wouldnt be, war would be a chess game, which firaxis game is far closer to than the open evironment Xenonauts provides. For the sake of wholeness please let me quote some historian quotes about the romans and the roman culture. The most important one is the following Like i said earlier, i dont believe you are digging deep enough into the strategy box. Suppression is a powerful tool available, but you have to know how to use it. ... and please dont stand in light of sight of a crouched alien, if you know its bad, change your tactic then. X-Division tries to compensate that by stressing the importance of live aliens to capture. Rockets kill aliens as well as the corpses and the loot, 2 major income sources. But its not yet balanced, eg. you get enough for everything at the moment. For now, the money almost flows constantly after the first phase, but in the future people who dont capture enough aliens wont succeed in the long run. So they will have to put themselv in the best position, but will still havee to take the danger head on. Like Tacitus said it: I agree that Snipers are very good in the encounters, as it is the backbone of my squad as well, even with their low acc in the beginning. Its ok, i believe it is valuable feedback. While it might not change anything in the short run, it might change the entire course of the game in the LONG run . I think i know this feeling, I felt the same way when i got discouraged of playing XCOM 1 on the higher difficulties, because I didnt know what to do, and i didnt receive any guidance on how to IMPROVE on how i was playing. This made me bump against the same stupid wall over and over again, with the feeling that even when i succeeded it wouldnt be because of me, but because of some stupid dice that rolled in the right direction this time. The whole game felt like it was completely disregarding my actions and rolled the dice for the encounters. The feeling of not having an impact on anything is the feeling of frustration. ( Btw this also makes great games, letting the player feel the impact of the his/her actions, its the fundamental part of game design to give the player something where he can see how he effects something. This is the fundamental principle of playing, in the exact same matter a baby feels joy because it experiences that his/her actions affect something and do something with the world, no matter what it actually does. Experiencing your actions having an impact on the world is one the greatest, fundamental joys in life, taking away from that feels frustrating ) Then i met beaglerush - https://www.youtube.com/user/Beaglerush Not only was he better than me, he also introduced me to far wider variety of the question you can ask in a game. What determines this is a good position ? What tools do i have available ? Most importantly, what even, are the possible outcomes of a situation ? What CAN even happen ? AND what is likely to happen ? How do i manipulate the odds so that i can stay on top of changing factors throughout the game ? What is the worst possible situation ? How much is one worst possible option worth against the other ? This is why i believe youtubers and Lets play videos are so immensly important, because at the end of the day gaming is a social thing. Even if you only play single player and sit alone in your room alone all the day, at one point your single playing gaming will turn into something too hard for you to manage alone. On the other hand If you would be able to clear a game without any challenge it would be boring. So what do you do ? You turn on the internet and search for NEW IDEAS on how to approach your favourite game. It could be walkthroughs, FAQs, tips and tricks websites like gamefaq is one. Back in the days people sat down and wrote around 20 comprehensive pages about a subject in a game and other people would read about it. Dragon Warrior Monsters and Monster 2 are a good example about this. Heck, Pokemon is a good example of this. Did you know that pokemon had a stats had a genetic buff from +0 - +61 stats when they were born, also known as IV ( individual values ) - and NOBODY KNEW about this until later generations ? Do you think that one person alone would have cracked this ? Or that it was something people might eventually figure out ? Actually it was discovered by somebody making the ROM available for emulators, now it is an important part of every strategy in the gaming competetive gaming scene. It could be a Lets play, or it could be a review. It could be a MAKING OF or it could be a spreadsheet document. Or you simply bother your friends to play this game and ask about their oppinion. Gaming is a social thing because ultimately we strife to increase our horizon and learn and experience new things, and per definition this needs new things and new impulses to take from. Some also like other people . There is also the group of hardcore players, who want to figure out everything on their own, because they like the experience of this journey, but an estimated guess is that this group makes up around 5% of all gamers, maybe less. Most other people want to approach games 1. in social way or 2. getting provided basically cinematic material without making the experience of bumping into the frustration wall i mentioned earlier. And ofcourse there are infinite variations inbetween. So take what you can from other people approaching this game, if you want . Take a break from the game, that is also important. Reapproach it later. Drop it. Pick it up again. Do what you think it is you need. The Developers Diary - is the approach to this, but it still has no commentary, and may not get one in the future, but this tries to give players new ideas, new approaches, and to make the experience of playing this game a memorable one, where there are always higher ceilngs to climb, and mauntains to discover. The offical X-Division youtube channel is still under construction - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtS8rPsZAKtG5e-gn5n_pQ - for now you can get all videos here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJiDtR6YHRDiW4dpa_F-2aQ - .
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