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  1. I know I asked this on the old forms but I wanted to ask again, and maybe get an update as to where Chris/others stand on this subject. First of I love x-com, own it, played it for years and I love what your doing with this project and cant wait for the beta to come out. I personalty loved in X-com having my base attacked and getting to use my base defenses to shoot/damage/destroy incoming craft. Sadly the start of the base attack was just a screen with text and not anything more exciting. (The start of my wishlist/question rant *deep breath*) 1. Could you take your air combat system and mod it to run base attacks. Aka. You have to do something to help/hurt your chances at hitting or missing the aliens. 2. Base evaluation of non combat personnel. I never understood why, when the base was being attacked. My interceptors never did anything? Maybe add them into the base defense mix prior to the ships landing? (would explain why they left the base) 3. Where my solders spawn. I always found it funny that they would be just all over the place, in a hallway with there backs to an open hanger bay, just to turn around and find 5 heavily armed aliens looking at you (and firing do to reaction). Could we start off in a central place, like a command center or armory? 4. Tanks tanks everywhere. I used to keep a few on hand in my inventory just so I could use them during a base attack. They where ez to replace instead of a soldier Id been working on for a few missions. Please tell me we will not be limited to 12 troops and/or some limited combination. I can understand limitations due to space in the dropship but this is home turf. 5. A little atmosphere. The base is under attack, would a pulsing red alarm light every once and a while be out of the question? 6. No locks? Im sure human bases would have locked doors in such a top notch base. If an alien wanted to get somewhere important couldn't we have them have to "hack" the door code or something? 7. Checkpoint. Any chance of having something like a base upgrade that lets you add "retractable security walls" "These walls installed in the floor of hallway intersections rise up during base defenses to help give your troops cover when protecting key intersections of your base" Same distributable train and if you lose a intersection the aliens can make use of the cover. I'm thinking of a 3x3 cube with each corner having two walls in the case of X intersection and a 1X3 for a T intersection. I look forward to reading all the reply's.
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