Hello there,
First off, I finally decided to buy the alpha and give it a whirl and really love the design, from the clipboard options to using chinooks for squads. Been ages since played a turn based game and love the xcom series.
Now to my question and sorry if been asked but I searched and found similiar threads but not about what I am asking.
I did my first mission (yeah w/o doing manual too!) and sucessfully killed all the aliens. then I get my AAR screen and got a -160k score for not securing the UFO, yet I lost no troops, killed all the uglies, and lost 1 citizen. Now browsing thru some of the searches I saw some missions were about securing UFO's and about plopping troops around it to cause a secure but I went for the kill and figured this would be a no brainer since I got all the aliens.
I tried looking thru the bug reports but didnt see anything and I may have missed it but I can redo the mission again trying to secure instead of kill , but was wondering if this is indeed a glitch, or I WAS supposed to secure and not worry about killing?