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Found 1 result

  1. At the moment, terror missions are bit of a shooting gallery. You put your guys in cover (probably near the Charlie) and then shoot the aliens who will charge at you. Now this is fine if it doesn't happen all the time, but since it seems to, you lose out the exploration element. It seems like you really don't really get to explore the maps on terror missions. I suggest that a "VIP" spawns somewhere on the map (maybe in a way that'll keep them semi-safe, perhaps with a pair of local forces). To cut down on sprite work, maybe have them be highlighted. If the VIP lives, the Xenonauts get a bonus to their points. If he dies, then it could incur a penalty or maybe even none if we feel that it's too much to expect the player to reach the VIP. It may also be worth making this "VIP" event random so you don't always get one during a terror mission. Alternatively, we could have a "Macguffin cache" that spawns somewhere on the map. If the player has a Xenonauts next to it, then the player gets some bonus points. While civilians and local forces are technically secondary objectives, they tend to die so quickly and are worth so little points that they don't really incentivise the players to do much about them. Anyways, the purpose of the secondary objectives is to get the player to do some exploration and movement.
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