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Found 6 results

  1. Here's thought, I just had, while preparing my squad to enter alien craft. People were prepared for anything and ready to rush into extraterrestrial territory. And here's thought - If I were in their place, I would be hell of scared and ready to leave something bad in pants. Admit it, those creatures should scare even hardened soldier, should they met one to one. And now, just when my squad member opens (yeah, opens... still quite funny, that humans can easily "open" alien craft doors...) huge door, and my soldiers see something familiar, yet, totally not build by human. It's scary. It's always scary. Some members saw something like that, and they aren't so shocked, thought, it doesn't change fact, that guy could nervous a bit. So, this whole story is to show you idea in example. Xenonauts have morale, and as I understand, many calculations depends on level of morale. So, basically, in situations, where soldiers are placed in front of unknown conditions (like, what's behind that wall or door? Should I be scared, or not?). In game play, mechanism could be pretty "simple". If behind door no-one sees tiles (I mean, exactly sees, not uncovers.), than right after soldier opens door, he suffers little morale drop (you know, stress, fear, and so on. All those emotions.) I'm quite pleased with current morale system, and this tread is just small addition I imagined. May be it's not worth it, may be it could be just a little mod or something, or it's already there and I just totally missed that. Anyway, awesome work, xeno-guys. )
  2. At the moment there is no way of knowing how many TUs will be used by opening/closing a door except by memory. Adding a little number to the door icon would be a nice addition, cause i sometimes sit there wondering if i have enough to fire then close the door... stupid memory forgeting random crap ;P
  3. I hate myself for sugesting this as I am great fan of opening UFO door, shooting inside and closing, but if you really want to prevent this behavior, more TUs for opening and closing is not what you need. At worst, I will have single soldier crouched, opening door, then the rest of the squad shoots everything inside and my crouched soldier close them again. TUs are not an answer. What would be much more useful is if you *can't* open OR close door more then once per turn. Once you open them, you can only close them next turn. Bye bye problem. Also, more dead xenonauts.
  4. There are a number of things we already dont have access to. I feel sure most of these if not all would involve code changs to some ex-stint. *When opening a door to a ufo should the door close behind the soldier after ending the turn or remain open... Iv had soldiers killed just because of this. *I know now you can switch between vertical or horizontal positions when placing buildings, why not be able to do the same when placing items in the backpack. *If multiple grenades are equipped how about being able to select which one to use from the quick slot. *Ending a turn seems to default back to whoever's in the chinook instead of who was previously selected. This can get tedious after a while.
  5. Just wanted to be sure of how doors work... Currently, the door icon that appears when I hover over a door is just an indicator, and not something I click to actually open the door, right? I don't have to open doors, I just point to a tile on the other side, and it automatically opens it, correct? Is there, or will there ever be an 'open door' command (if you want to open the door, but not travel through it... for example, to just clear a firing path)? Can you/will there be a command to CLOSE doors?
  6. I haven't been able to close any of the doors in the ground mission. Is it currently possible and I'm just missing something?
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